Chapter 8: Happy Days

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Paige's POV

I hum to myself as I cook dinner. I peek over into the living room and smile at the kids playing with blocks.

Amia is trying to show Xavier how to stack them but he keeps just rolling them around making her angry. I can't help but giggle because they are just like me and Sam.

Amia is so smart. She loves playing with that mat that Ashley got them and she's already trying to walk.

Xavier is smart as well but he's really goofy, like Sam. I can tell that he knows what Amia wants him to do but he does the opposite.

Boy does he get a kick out of making her mad. It sounds very similar to someone else I know.

I shake my head at them as I go back to cooking and smile when I hear the front door open. "I'm home! Where is everyone?"

I hear high pitched screams and giggles as the kids quickly crawl over to her. She laughs and scoops them up. "Ah there you two are! Have you been being good for mommy?"

They laughs as she smothers them with kisses and the sight of them makes my heart melt.

I never thought I could be so happy in my life. Sam is amazing. She showers me and the kids with love every single day. She works so hard to provide for us and even though I tell her I can work, she insists that I stay home with the kids. "I don't want them to have to go to daycare or anything like that. The only people I trust to watch our kids are us, our families, and ash. There's too much craziness going on in the world and if someone puts their hands on my babies, I'm going to lose it."

I didn't push it any further after that. Don't get me wrong, I go in mama bear mode real quick if I feel uncomfortable somewhere but sam?

She will end someone's life over those kids, I guarantee it.

I smile when I feel her arms encircle my waist and her lips gently kiss along my neck. "And how is my lovely wife doing today?"

I smile back at her and kiss her lips. "I'm fine love. How was work?"

She shrugs and rests her chin on my shoulder. "Work I suppose. They district wants me to enforce some new rules but I don't know if I want to or not."

I nod as she continues explaining everything and when dinner is done, we all eat together at the table.

I made spaghetti so once it cools, I give the kids some noodles with sauce on them and they go to town. I knew it was going to make a mess but seeing how happy they are makes it worth it.

(I don't know much about kids so if the timelines for what they're doing don't match up...don't come for me💀)

When we finish eating and get the kids cleaned up, we head upstairs to tuck them in bed.

I wouldn't say that we have favorites because we love both of them equally, but usually I tuck in Amia and Sam tucks in Xavier.

One night, sam fell asleep on the couch so instead of waking her, I went to tuck the kids in myself. Amia was fine but when I went to put Xavier down the threw a fit. Nothing I did would calm him down but I guess him crying woke Sam up so she came upstairs and tucked him in.

I was a little hurt that he didn't want me to do it but then I realized that they just have a special bond. There's always that one parent that every kid favors even though they love both of them.

It's cute because he's like her little sidekick.

He always tries to find her and do whatever it is that she's doing. She even bought him a little motorcycle and some toy tools so that he can "work on" his bike while she works on hers. I think it's adorable.

Once the kids are down, we head downstairs to finish cleaning the kitchen.

As I'm washing dishes she starts asking me about if I've seen Ashley lately.

I shake my head. "Not since the party no. She hasn't been coming over as much either. Is everything okay?" Even though me and Ashley had out difference before, I really do think of her as a close friend now.

She is so easy to talk to about things that Sam doesn't know much about, like girly stuff. She was also a really big help during my pregnancy. She has a lot of friends that have had babies so she knew a lot about how to handle the pain and stuff.

Sam was grateful because even though she tries her best, the poor thing doesn't know the first thing about having a baby. I swear if it was up to her, she would have tried to feed them a chicken nugget at 2 months or something.

Ash is a really good friend. I know I let my petty jealousy show before, but I know Sam. She's not the type to mess around with multiple people and now that we're married and have a family, I fully trust her.

She sits down at the table and sighs so I go over and sit in her lap. "She's just been so off lately. I went over to check up on her after work and she seemed so...empty. It's like the light was drained out of her. I don't know what's going on over there but I don't like it. Christ, I raised my hand to move something off of her face and she flinched. FLINCHED!."

I jump a little at how distraught she is. I understand though.

Ashley is a very important part of her life. I feel like the reason they aren't as close as they used to be is partially because of everything that's been going on with work and the kids and stuff, but it seems like the distance between them has allowed for something to happen.

"I've never seen her flinch before. When we would spar together, she never flinched. She was so confident and strong. I don't know what's going on but I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I swear to god if she hit her, I'm gonna-"

I gently grab her face and shush her. "Calm down love. You're going to wake the kids..."

she sighs and nods before I kiss her forehead. I look into her eyes and see tears forming and my heart tugs. "I left her over there Paige. I'm supposed to be protecting her and for all I know, she could be in real danger. I tried to ask her about it, but Taylor showed up and ash begged me to leave. I-I don't know what to do..."

I gently brush the tears off of her cheeks and kiss her lips.

She is such a beautiful soul. She cares so much about others and tries to be this big protector for everyone. I know that she's hurting right now and I want nothing but to take away that pain, but it's a bit tricky.

She can't just go over and make Ashley talk to her, Taylor could be there. She also can't just confront Taylor, she could get charges pressed on her and it wouldn't look good on her as the principal.

I sigh and hold her close as she silently cries on my shoulder. "You're just going to have to wait honey. Wait for the right time. I know you want to save her, but she has to want to be saved first."

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