Chapter 16: Broken

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Ashley's POV

It's been weeks since the funeral and things have been rough.

The kids don't really understand why Paige hasn't come home.

They peer through the living room window,looking to see if she's going to walk up the driveway, but she never does.

It breaks my heart when I see Amia sleeping in Paige's chair. She used to sit in her lap while Paige graded papers in that chair. Every other night I will look for her to put her in bed and find her curled up on it.

Sam on the other hand, is a wreck.

She hasn't been sleeping, eating, hell she barely leaves her room.

All she does is drink. She cleans out her bar every week and has it restocked over and over again so she doesn't have to leave.

The pain I feel coming off of her is so heartbreaking. It's like her soul is gone and she is just an empty shell drowning herself in liquor.

She doesn't even play with the kids anymore.

They try to get her attention, to get her to pick them up or play with them, but she just dismisses them all together. I try my best to keep them distracted, but she can't be like this forever.

She is still their mother.

Since Paige passed, I had no choice but to move in. I take care of the kids, clean the house, and make sure everything gets taken care of that needs to while still running my business. It's honestly exhausting but I don't care. She came to my aid when I needed her so I am just returning the favor.

I know that she is hurting so whatever I can do to help ease the pain, I will.

One night I'm putting the kids to bed when I hear her stumble out of her room. "Hey hey how's it going?"

I shush her and catch her before she falls on the ground. "Shh Sam, I just put the kids to sleep."

She giggles shushing me and I roll my eyes. "Don't wanna wake the babies." She says in a playful voice.

She finally stands up and I start to lead her back to bed when she suddenly pins me to the wall. "Oh! Sam, what are you doing??" She smirks and slowly glides her finger along my jawline. "I wanna sleep with you tonight."

My eyes get big as she lays her head on my shoulder. I lift her head so she has to look at me and she's so drunk that she can't even focus."Sam baby you're drunk. You need to lay down."

She shakes her head and I feel her hand press my hips back against the wall. "Come lay with me."

The smell of alcohol on her breath hits my nose and I freeze.

Flashbacks of Taylor pinning me to the wall after having too many drinks cross my mind and I begin to shake.

Not again...not her...

I clench my eyes shut,waiting for the impact when I feel a soft hand caress my cheek. "Hey...what's wrong ash? I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.."

I look up into her eyes and she's almost completely sober.

Her other hand leaves my hip and gently cups my face as tears begin to form. "Shh shh don't cry love. Im not going to hurt you I promise."

I nod and she kisses my forehead. "I really didn't mean to do that ash. I-"

I place my hands on her chest to stop her. "It's okay sam. I know you."

She nods and moves a strand of hair out of my face. "I should probably lay down. Do you need me to get you anything?"

I shake my head and wipe my eyes. "I'll come with you."

Her eyes widen and I take her hand,leading her to her bed. "Ash wait! You don't have to do this. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I look back at her and tilt my head. "Why would I be? We used to sleep in the same bed all of the time. I know you have been struggling."

I turn to her and wrap my arms around her neck. "I know that you're hurting love, but I really need you to snap out of it. You're not yourself. You haven't been yourself in weeks and I know the pain is still there, but so is your family. Your kids need you. I need you."

She tears up a little and I kiss her cheek. "Cmon, let's get some sleep."

She nods and after I crawl under the covers, she crawls in behind me.

I feel her arm wrap around me and blush when I feel her pull me up against her.

She is so warm.

The feeling of her heart beating rapidly against my back sends a spark through me with every beat. "You don't have to do this ash. I know..I've been difficult lately. You have been nothing but kind and supportive through all of it."

I feel her nuzzle my neck and I'm so overwhelmed by the feeling of her that I tear up a little myself. "I'll try my best to get through this. I just need you to help me a little longer..."

I grab hold of her hand that's around me and kiss it. "You know I'll always be here. Every stop of the way."

I smile when I feel her lazily kiss my shoulder followed by the sounds of her soft snores.

She is asleep.

Finally after weeks of agony, she is resting. I know it's going to be rough for a little while but that's fine.

As long as I get to stay by her side, I'll do everything in my power to help her.

I want her smile back.

I want to see the light in her eyes and hear her laugh.

I want her back..

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