Chapter 5: Honey Butter Croissants

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Sam's POV

As I'm driving over to Ashley's, I get a notification on my phone.

Ash: Hey don't worry about picking me up, got a ride

I frown a little confused and stop the car at a red light. "Got a ride? From who?" I start to text back but a car honks behind me because the light is green now so I sigh and do a U turn.

"Well that sucks. I was hoping we could hang out or something later." I scratch my head trying to think of what to do and decide to go get a coffee.

My aunt owns a coffee shop downtown and loves when I stop by. I even used to work here when I was in high school. I loved to bake so she let me do all of the pastries. It was one of those r jobs that didn't really feel like work.

Probably because my aunt is super chill and I got to take a lot of sweets home after work. I walk in the door and the smell of honey butter croissants hit my nose and make my mouth water. Those are her signature item.

The amount of times I snuck some of those home is too unhealthy to mention but i never gained any weight surprisingly. "There's my favorite niece! Have you been eating? You look like you're about to just blow away with the wind!"

I laugh as she runs over and gives me a hug. "Yes auntie, I've been eating fine. I came to get some coffee."

She smiles and pinches my cheek as I take a seat the the bar. "Oh I know what you want. A caramel latte with almost milk and one of those croissants huh?"

I blush a little an nod making her laugh. "Child I know you. I'll have it all ready in just a minute. Where's Ashley? Don't you usually bring her when you come by?"

I shrug as I watch her make my drink. "Well I was supposed to pick her up this morning but she said she got another ride. I haven't really seen much of her this week actually."

She sets my coffee in front of me and slides me a plate with a croissant on it, instantly making my mouth water. "Oh well that's unlike her. You two are always joined at the hip it seems. I
Did you have a fight or something?"

I shake my head as I take a sip of my drink. "No nothing like that. She's just been busy with all of the work she's been getting."

She nods and pats my head. "Okay well you tell her to bring her butt down here and see me. It's been too long! Im going to go back to roastin these beans but you start coming back by here! I miss my favorite niece coming to see me." She yells as she makes her way to the back room.

I laugh a little as I roll my eyes. "I'm your only niece woman!" She doesn't respond so I take a bite of my croissant enjoying the warm food and chill atmosphere in the shop.

I get on Snapchat and start scrolling through peoples stories when I come across Ashley's. She posted a selfie of her and Ashley at the cafe that I was supposed to take her to to meet Rita and I feel a little hurt.

She cancelled on me so that she could take her?

I put my phone away and leave a $20 bill on the counter before heading out to my car.

The whole drive home, I can't shake the fact that instead of having me take her since I'm the one that got her the netting in the first place, she decided to take Taylor instead.

I mean I can't really get too mad. They are dating. It's just the fact that...I don't know.

I pull into my driveway and smile as happy greets me at the door. He's starting to get big so now when he jumps on me, he almost knocks me down. "Geez buddy, I wasn't gone that long."

He runs in circles as I kick my shoes of and plop on the couch. He takes this as an invitation and hops onto my stomach making me hunch over. "Ah happy! Not cool dude."

He lays on my chest and licks my nose trying to look cute. I roll my eyes and pet him earning a very pleased expression.

After a couple minutes, his eyes become heavy an I can't help but laugh. "It must be nice being a dog. No worries or problems. Just eat sleep, poop repeat." He ignores me and starts to snore a little.

Honestly you'd think he had a full time job considering how much he sleeps. He's got the right idea though. I feel my own eyes begin to get heavy as sleep overcomes me.

His dreams were probably filled with him frolicking in a field or treats and my shoes while my dreams were full of something else.

Or maybe someone.

✨Go ahead and buckle up kids. It's about to get wild👀✨

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