Chapter 14: Cravings

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Ashley's POV

It's been a couple weeks since Taylor went to jail and I'm slowly starting to recover from everything.

She was in the hospital for about a week with broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken jaw but after the police got all of the evidence, they took her away.

Shes only going to be locked up for a couple of years but that's enough time for me to get back on my feet and create some distance.

I'm also going to get a restraining order as soon as she gets out. I thought she was what I needed. Someone to keep my mind off of my feelings with Sam.

I tried so hard to distance myself from her but I still felt it. I still felt the burning in my chest every time I heard her voice or the way my throat would get dry everytime I was near her.

It's like I was craving her.

But she was happy.

She has the woman she wants and a family and a great career. I couldn't take that away from Her because of some little crush.

Lately, I've been focusing on myself more. I've been using the gym more often and just relaxing when I can. Business is great right now and the new assistant I have has really been making my life so much easier.

Every now and then I'll go to the house to check up on it or grab a few things. Even though I'm not really living there, it's still my house. Every time I go, Sam insists on going with me or that I atleast take happy for protection.

I swear she's more protective now than ever. Anytime I try to go anywhere she tries to tag along. If I'm at work, she'll meet me for lunch or call throughout the day just to check up on me and see how I'm doing.

It's nice hearing from her so often. It's been so long since we've been this close and...I really missed it.

One day, I'm sitting out on the back patio reading a book as Sam and the kids play in the pool. Paige went out with some friends so,it's just the four of us here tonight.

I look up from my book and smile when I hear the high pitched screams and giggles coming from the kids.

She is so good with the kids.

She's patient and caring and always has this adoring smile on her face when she's with them.She's s great mom and I love how happy she is now.

As I watch her move around in the pool, I can't help but feel warm inside when she looks over and smiles at me. It's such a bright, beautiful smile.

The sun is shining behind her and it's almost as if she's glowing. "Hey, come join in! The water feels so nice."She urges me along and I oblige.

We play and splash each other for a little while and the kids laugh their heads off having the time of their lives.

At one point we're playing shark attack and she is the shark so as I'm teasing the kids, she sneaks up and grabs my legs from underwater and lifts me up onto her shoulders making me squeal. "I got you!"

I laugh as she spins me around before dunking me underwater.

When we come back up, Xavier jumps into my arms. "I say you!"

I laugh and kiss his cheek. "Thank you so much! You're my hero Xavi!"

He blushes and hugs me causing me to melt.

This is what love feels like. It's so warm and safe.

I look up to see Sam smiling at me and I feel my own cheeks heat up.

Gosh when she looks at me like that I feel weak.

Like she could just...

After a little while, the kids get tired so we get them out of the pool and into a bath.

The whole time we're washing them, Amia keeps trying to wash Xavier's hair but he keeps moving around splashing. Me and Sam laugh at how cute they are and once they get dressed and fed, we put them both down for bed.

I'm in the kitchen cleaning up when Sam comes in to try and help. "Hey I can get that. You go on and rest."

I roll my eyes as I wash a plate and she stands beside me giving me a look. "I got it. You go get some rest, you have work in the morning."

She shakes her head and insists on doing the dishes but Im not having it. "You are a guest in my house ash. I can't have you doing all of my chores for me."

I shrug and shriek when she grabs my waist to lift me up and away from the sink. "Sam! You're being dramatic!"

I turn to face her when she puts me down and slap her chest.

She laughs and tries to turn around to do the dishes but I grab the front of her shirt and pull her back. "Uh uh. You're not doing them. I was here first!"

She rolls her eyes and leans back against the counter, her hands still wrapped loosely around my waist. "Are we really arguing about doing the dishes right now?"

I nod my head and she smiles down at me.

Her eyes slightly darken and I bite my lip a little when I feel her pull me in closer. "You're the one being stubborn. I said I could handle it."

Her eyes roam my body and I feel a warmth in my stomach.

She's so close. I can feel her heart beating against my chest. It's like with every breath she takes she's sucking me in closer and closer.

My mind begins to race and I know I need to stop. I need to pull away yet, I feel myself leaning in.

The gap between our lips is closing. I can feel her breath on my face and as I close my eyes, ready to feel her, her phone rings.

We both jump at the sudden sound and a deep blush appears on both of our faces. She clears her throat and I pull away leaning back against the island.

I try to get my breathing under control as she answers the call. "Hello?"

"Hello is this Mrs. Crawford? It's your wife. She's been in an accident. Please get to the hospital as soon as possible." I watch as the color drains from her face.

She hangs up the phone and rushes to throw a coat and shoes one. "Sam...calm down."

She looks over at me as tears form in her eyes. "Bring the kids please..." with that, she grabs her keys and rushes out the door, praying that her wife will be okay.

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