Chapter 2: Let the games begin

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Taylor's POV

I sigh as I set my stuff down on the counter. I just got off work and even though I live alone, it feels even more empty since the last time Ashley was here.

It's been a week since I've seen or heard from her and it's eating me alive inside.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I know I was angry, I had every right to be.

I mean, how would anyone feel if they took their girl on a week long vacation to Hawaii and as soon as we get back home, the first thing she does is run to her "friend"?

The one that she's slept with before and definitely has some type of feelings for her.

I know some friends are close but they're relationship is different. I don't know how to describe it but they're much closer than just being best friends.

To top things off, even though I'm already suspicious of this friend, when we have spontaneous mind blowing sex in my couch, you say that friends name?

Any sane person would be upset.

It's fucked up but that still doesn't excuse the way I treated her. For Christ sake I basically threw her out and told her to fuck off as I tried to drink away my misery.

Even though I was shitfaced I still remember the look in her eyes when I pushed her away... All I saw was pain.

I need to talk to her but I can't bring myself to call or text or even stop by. She hasn't reached out to me either so I don't know if she's done with me or if she wants me to make the first move or...god I hope she isn't afraid of me.

I know I lost my temper but I would never lay my hands on her.

I sigh rubbing my hands through my hair when I realize that it's starting to look rough. "Maybe a haircut will help me clear my mind enough to figure out how to unfuck this."

I head over to the mall and my barber hooks me up with a clean fade. I keep most of my hair long because I actually like it that way but I'll get a fade on the sides and the back to give me more of a masculine look.

My guy tony always hooks me up so I make sure to give him a good tip afterwards. "Thanks bro, it looks good." He smiles at me as I hand him a $20 tip before heading out.

I take a deep breath finally feeling a little relaxed. Its been a minute since I got out and did something for myself and it felt nice.

I turn the corner so that I can go back to the car and my heart skips a beat at the sight before me.

There she is.

She's standing outside of a store checking her phone and I can't help but stare at her.

She's wearing a simple outfit but she can make anything look amazing. A green crop top with Jean shorts and some Jordan's with her curly hair up in a bun. She looks like she just stepped out of a magazine even though I know this is her dressing "lazy".

Just seeing her brings tears to my eyes. God I knew I missed her but right now I feel like I need to be near her.

Being apart from her for so long made me realize how important she is in my life now. Hearing her laugh and seeing her smile were the best parts of my day.

I love the way her face lights up at the simplest things I do like holding her door for her or when I bring her flowers. She says that I spoil her but I only treat her the way that she deserves, like a queen.

As I get closer, i watch as she leans against the wall of a store scrolling through her phone. Her face has this hint of sadness on it that I can't unsee.

It's as if the light in her eyes is gone and I know that I am the cause of it.

Im so close to her now. I'm so close to having her back in my arms.

My palms start to sweat as I realize that I actually have to speak. It's as if I'm meeting her for the first time all over again only this time, she might not be as grateful to see me.

Im about to call out to her when I see the last person I want to see walk out of the store with a bunch of bags.

She immediately lights up at the sight of her and they walk off in the opposite direction of me chatting away.

"Ash..." I whisper as I reach out for her. I drop my hand and sigh as I turn around and head out of the store.

Why does this always happen? Why is she always there? It's like she knows when I'm trying to get close to ash but she puts a wall up to block me out.

I could have stopped them.

I could have went over and easily taken my girl back, but I froze.

I saw her change.

I saw her go from looking as if her world was falling apart to her face lighting up at the sight of Sam.

Would she have mad the same face if that were me?

I don't want to ruin her day by showing up and causing a scene. I've already done enough.

When I walk into the house I grab a beer out of the fridge and sigh. "I can't give up. I have to get her back somehow..."

I take a swig of my beer and run ideas through my head before a smile appears on my face. "Alright Sam, if it's a war you want, I'm willing to fight for her."

I get on my computer and start working on ways to get Ashley to forgive me.

I know it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of work, but she's worth it.

That's my girl, and I'm going to get her back.

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