Chapter 23: Beg For Me

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Sam's POV

I softly kiss the top of the kid's heads as we tuck them in for the night.

They were so tired from all of the excitement today that they fell asleep as soon as we got in the car.

I go to leave the room, and I trip on one of their toys.

A Lego.

The pain shoots through my foot so fast I can't help but yelp. Ashley covers her mouth to hide her laughter as we sneak out of the room and once the door closes she doubles over. "You should've seen your Face!"

I roll my eyes and follow her down the stairs to the kitchen. "Those things are dangerous."

I pour myself a drink and she hops on the counter, swinging her legs back and forth as she watches me. "Somebody got a little protective today."

I shrug and take a sip of my drink. "Yeah well, he shouldn't have been bothering you."

She rolls her eyes. "I was handling it perfectly fine thank you."

I set my glass down and ease between her legs. She blushes and I can't help but smile at how cute she is. "Even so, I'm still going to protect you. I'm never letting anyone hurt you again."

She tilts her head and I see her eyes darken a little. "And What about you?"

I feel a tingle in my chest as her arms wrap around my neck.

It's the same feeling I get everytime we're close like this.

Almost as if everything else in the world stops and we are the only thing that matter. "What about me?"

She lifts my chin so that our eyes meet and I bite my lip.

Her gaze falls to my lips and I can feel her pulling me in further. "What if you hurt me?"

I shake my head and see a slight smirk appear on her face. "I..I won't. I swear I won't."

Her arms come from around my neck and I feel her finger trailing along my neck. "Prove it."

She pushes downward on my shoulders and I get down on my knees before her.

God what is she doing to me? It's like I have no self control right now.

She crosses her legs in front of me as I look up at her.

Her eyes are slightly hooded and she has this powerful look about her.

She looks like a queen, a goddess even.

"You my dear, are going to have to put in a lot of work in order to win me over. I know what you want. I can see the desire in your eyes."

I'm trying my best to keep eye contact but it's hard when every part of her looks so damn good. "Whatever you want baby, ill do. I need to make things up to you. Please just...give me a little time."

She smirks and bites her lip a little. "Mmm...I like when you beg."

A blush spreads across my face before she hops off of the counter and softly kisses my lips. "I'm going to have so much fun teasing you."

She pats the top of my head and skips off to bed leaving me on the floor stunned.

I've never seen this side of her before.

It's like a lioness has been finally let out of her cage.

This power she has over me is so intense, so raw and strong.

I thought I was going to just win her over when I finally confessed my feelings but, I can already tell that I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

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