Chapter 15: My Best Friend

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Paige's POV

"Honestly Paige, you never come out with us anymore! I know Sam is hot and all but we miss seeing you!" I laugh as i take a sip of my margarita. It's been so long since I've hung out with my friends.

With everything going on lately, I've barely had anytime to just relax and let loose. "So how are things? Give us details!"

I blush as we all catch up with each other and I can't stop myself from smiling.

Periodically throughout the night, Sam sends me videos of the kids swimming and I show the girls. "Your family is so cute! We're so glad you're finally happy Paige."


Yes I believe I am.

I have a loving wife, two adorable children, and friends that all love me. What more could I ask for?

It's getting late and we're all too drunk to drive so we each call a cab. I love the farthest away so I tell them I'll ride alone.

As we're driving, I start to scroll on my phone when the sound of glass breaking hits my ear drums. The world is spinning and the pain in my chest takes my breath away.

Everything goes black.

When I come to, I feel dizzy.

I try to crawl out of the overturned car.

There's blood everywhere. The smell of burning flesh and smoke fill my lungs as I gasp for air.

Before I lose consciousness, I see a car in the distance. It speeds away, not even bothering to call for help.

That's the car that hit us. I can see the headlight dangling underneath the car.

Then I see it. The call of duty sticker that I bought him for his back bumper.

Its still there.


Sam's POV

I can't hear what anyone is saying. Their voices are all a blur and my mind can't focus on a single thing.

She's hurt.

Paige is hurt and I don't know what to do.


That is the only thing that I can make out from the chaos and without knowing where I am going I rush in the direction that I think it is.

I go room to room looking, searching for her.


I stop in my tracks as the most painful sound hits my ears. "Paige..."

I rush over to where I heard her scream and gasp when I see her struggling on the bed.

There is blood all over her.

Her legs and arms are cut up, there is blood dripping from Her face and there is a huge gash across her chest.

The doctors are trying their best to sedate her, but the pain is just too much.

With shaking hands, I rush to her side and gently grab her face so she sees me. " doll you have to calm down. I know it hurts I have to let the doctors help you.."

Tears fall from my eyes as I feel her writhe under me in pure agony. "It hurts! It hurts...make it stop!"

I place my forehead against hers trying to stay calm. Trying to be strong for her but it's so hard. "Shh..I know baby...I know..."

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