Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Ashleys POV

I slowly begin to stir As the sun rays hit my face through the window shade.

I start to stretch when I feel myself being pulled up against something soft and warm. I smile as soft kisses land on the back of my neck. "Good morning beautiful."

I blush before turning towards her as she starts to wake up. "Good morning to you too. You hungry? I can make us breakfast."

She smirks and pulls me closer causing my blush to deepen. "What are you planning on feeding me?" She asks, her voice deep and raspy from sleep.

I smile and kiss her lips, gently biting down on her lower lip. "Whatever you want to eat baby."

She raises an eyebrow before grabbing my ass and pulling me on top of her. I moan a little feeling her hardness between my legs and push myself up so that I'm straddling her waist.

I only ever sleep in a t shirt so she can probably feel how wet I am but right now, I don't even care. I lean down to kiss her and she gently caresses my face as I watch her eyes take me in."Whatever I want huh?"

"Mhmm."I nod my head and scoot up so that my pussy is right above her face.

She smirks gripping my thighs and I bite my lower lip at her touch. "Oh? Someone's eager this morning."

I nod and before I can speak I feel my whole body shake as her long tongue glides all the way from my clit to my hole. " good." She starts to devour me and it takes everything I have not to crush her with my thighs.

I hold onto the headboard and throw my head back as I ride her face. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cunning!" I say between breaths causing her to moan.

The feeling of her moaning into my pussy sends me over the edge and I can't help but whine as she slowly cleans me up.

As I'm coming down from my high, I feel her shift us into a different position. She lays me on my side And kisses along my neck as she slowly slides herself into me from behind. "Mmm Fuck..."

She lifts my leg a little and groans as she slowly goes in and out of me. "God you're so tight. It feels so good."

She starts going faster and I feel my eyes roll back as the pleasure takes over me. I can feel her breath on my neck and her cock throbbing inside of me.

We're both so close, I can feel it.

Suddenly, I feel her other hand wrap around my throat and I lose it. My hips buck wildly back towards her and our moans echo off of the walks as we cum together, her filling me up inside.

I must have either dozed back off or passed out for a moment because when I come to, I am laying on Taylor's chest as she sleeps, snoring lightly.

I look up and smile at how peaceful she looks. I don't know how she switches from being such a cutie to railing the Fuck out of me in 2 seconds but I'm not going to complain one bit.

I softly kiss her cheek and ease out of bed to get dressed, slightly wobbling to the bathroom. I do my usual morning routine and When I come out of the bathroom, I notice that Taylor has gotten up already.

I assume she is using the guest bathroom so I get dressed in a pantsuit and head downstairs to make me some coffee.

As I take a sip, I feel my phone go off in my pocket. When I pull it out, I see a snap from Sam and tilt my head. I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips as I watch the video of her chasing happy around her house as he runs around with a pair of her socks.

"What's so funny?" I jump a little when I hear Taylor's voice behind me and she raises an eyebrow.

"Oh just a funny video Sam sent me. Happy is giving her a hard time as usual." I set my cup down and smile when I feel her arms wrap around my waist and her lips kiss along my neck."mmm do you have to go?Can't you just stay home with me today?"

I melt into her arms and lean back to kiss her lips. "I wish I could, but These are some pretty important meeting today. Besides sam is already on her way to pick me up."

I feel her arms tense up a little and look back at her only to see a slight frown on her face. "How come you didn't ask me to take you?"

I tilt my head a little, not really expecting that reaction. "Well she helped me get the clients and offered to take me to the meeting."

I turn around to face her and she gently caresses my face. "Well you don't have to bother her with that baby, I can take you over there no problem. Sam probably has other things going on today anyways."

I frown a little and start to protest but she kisses me making me lose my track of thought. Her lips are so soft and the way her hands feel on my body is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Mm but she's already on the way.."

She kisses along my neck and slides her hands down to grip my ass a little. "She can turn around. Besides, I want a little more time with you today."

She kisses my nose making me smile and I kiss her lips. "Okay okay. Im sure she won't mind."she smiles and kisses my cheek before rushing off to get dressed.

I quickly send Sam a text, letting her know that Taylor is taking me and head out the door when Taylor is ready to go.

She holds the passenger door for me as always and drives to the cafe that I am meeting the clients at. Their names are Rita and John and they are the agents for some of the hottest new artists.

Sam got me a meeting with them because they've been hearing a lot about me from my previous clients and I couldn't be happier to meet with them. Sam really is helping me make my dream come true.Once we find them, we all grab a table and talk about the upcoming project. "Well if it isn't Ashley the party queen! It's so nice to finally meet you."

I smile at her and blush a little. "I wouldn't say all that but it does have a nice ring to it!" As I'm talking to Rita , I feel Taylor's hand on my thigh.

I try my best to keep a straight face, but she's been drawing circles on one spot for 2 minutes now and it's getting hard to keep it together. "So Ashley , I've seen your previous work and I must say I am impressed! You have glowing reviews and your style is so unique. I understand you make all of the drinks at the parties as well?"

I laugh along with her as I feel Taylor's hand go a little higher. No one else can tell what she's doing because of how close we're sitting and the fact that she is having small talk with Rita's husband.

I however can feel everything she's doing to me and it's driving me insane. "So I do come up with unique drinks at every party but I can't take all of the credit. My team helps me out tremendously along with this gorgeous person right here."

Taylor smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "Anything for you love." Rita coos at us and we resume talking.

As we do, I feel like having a little fun so I slide my hand along her thigh and graze my fingers across her slightly hard cock. She jumps a little and clears her throat before giving me a look.

I can feel her eyes on me but I keep my attention on Rita as she starts explaining the ideas she has for the party.

I know Taylor's going to punish me later for teasing her.

That's fine though because I want her to know that two can play this game, and I always win in the end.

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