Chapter 10: Help Me..

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Paige's POV

I grab a box of cereal from the shelf and when I look down at the cart and see Xavier opening a Box of cheerios. "Xavi! You can't open that yet buddy, mommy has to pay for it."

He looks up at me with his cute little smile and I sigh letting him be. Honestly I spoil these kids almost as much as Sam does.

I finally pay for everything and as I'm loading the car, I spot Ashley walking towards us. "Hey ash! I haven't seen you in forever!"

She smiles at me and comes over waving. "Hey girl! Yeah you know I've just been busy with all of this stuff going on. How are my god babies doing??"

She tickles Amias tummy making her giggle and Xavier reaches for her to pick him up.

As she does, we catch up a little and she tells me that she should be slowing down soon and be able to come by a little more. Now that she finally has an assistant, a lot of the load is getting lifted off of her and I couldn't be happier for her.

As she's talking Xavier reaches up and grabs her hair pulling on it a little. "Hey there silly boy,I'm not due for a haircut yet!"

She blows on his stomach making him laugh and let go. She sets him back in the cart and as we resume talking, Taylor comes up and grabs onto her waist,pretty roughly I might say. "There you are. I've been waiting in the car forever."

The mood shifts and I see the light quickly drain from Ashley's face. My stomach turns as she begins to stutter a little but tries to keep a straight face. "O-oh I'm sorry. I was just talking to Paige."

Taylor finally notices me and her mood instantly shifts as she smiles down at me. "Oh hey Paige! How have you been?"

I nod my head pulling the cart a little closer. "I've been fine. I haven't seen you guys around in awhile so I was just catching up with Ashley."

She laughs a little and pulls Ashley closer. "Aw yeah, this one has been working non stop and i have projects of my own I'm working on so time just has been getting away from us. How are these two doing?"

She reaches over to play with them but i smoothly step in her way. I don't feel comfortable having her touch my children right now. "They're fine, they're just tired. I'm about to take them home and put them down for a nap."

She smiles and nods before pulling Ashley along. "Alright well it was good seeing you Paige! We're going to head out now."

I look back at them as I put the kids in the car and feel something in my gut telling me this is wrong.

I see what Sam meant now.

Something is definitely going on in that house and we need to get Ashley out before it's too late. I

call Sam as soon as I get in the car and she answers on the first ring. "Hey, can you get home as soon as possible?" I pull into the driveway and take the kids inside.

"Yes, I can be there in 10. Is everything okay?" I hear her stand up at her quickly desk and realize I probably should have worded that differently.

"We're fine love don't worry. It's ash. I just saw her at the grocery store and you were right. Something is going on in that house. She needs your help."

✨Jeez I hate filler chapters🙄 but they're necessary. Alright, this is the last short chapter. The calm before the hurricane."

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