Chapter 22: The Zoo

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✨I feel like these are the chapters you've all been waiting for 😅✨

Ashley's POV

Today we decided to take the kids to the zoo.

It's been a long week with work and everything so we thought it would be nice to get out of the house for awhile.

Lately though, Sam has been acting different.

The looks she give me and the gestures she makes are so...caring.

I can tell that she's trying not to push things. We haven't really talked about our feelings much since that morning but, I almost feel like we don't have to.

It's like our attraction to each other is making it to where we can just feel what the other wants.

The other night, when I went into her office to get her advice, I could feel it.

I could feel her desire pouring off of her and I loved it.

The feeling of her craving me is my new addiction. It brought out something in me. This power that I never knew I had.

Oh the things I wanted to do to her that night. She looked so sexy underneath my heel, drooling over me.

I wanted to make her beg for me.

I wanted her to feel what it's like to have the things you desire so bad right in front of you, but you can't have it.

I had her right where I wanted her until...well, you know.

She may have won that round, but I don't plan on giving up that easily.

Xavier is slurping the last little bit of lemonade out of his cup and I hear the sound of him sucking air out of the bottom of it.

He pouts and starts shaking it as if more lemonade will magically appear and I can't help but laugh at how silly he is.

I crouch down to his level and he looks over at me with the cutest little frown on his face. "You want me to get you some more baby?"

He nods and hands me his cup. "Yes pwease."

I smile at him and kiss his cheek before letting Sam know where I'm going and making sure she keeps an eye on him.

She's standing in front of the monkey exhibit with Amia on her shoulders so I lead Xavier over to her.

I gently grab her hand to get her attention and she turns around, giving me the most dazzling smile I've ever seen. "Yes love?"

My face heats up and she smiles wider noticing.

Gosh, I swear she does that on purpose. Using that voice and giving me that look, just to make me all flustered. "I'm going to get him a refill. I'll be right back."

She nods and Xavier looks through the rails at the monkeys running around in their cage.

He grabs a peanut from the bag and hands it to one of the monkeys, squealing when the monkey takes it from him. "Did you see Dat?! Another mommy!"

I shake my head and make my way over to the concession stand.

Luckily there isn't a long line so it only takes a second to get his cup refilled but as I was paying I noticed that they were making fresh cotton candy in the back . The kids have been good today and I'm in the mood for something sweet, so I decided to get some.

As I'm waiting, I see a guy walking over to me and I can't help but roll my eyes. "Here we go."

He walks up to me and leans against the counter trying his best to look cool, but I'm already over it. "Hey there. I saw you standing over here by yourself and thought you could use a little company."

I scoff a little and cross my arms. "I'm actually perfectly fine standing by myself. I'm just waiting on my order."

He nods his head, clearly checking me out and moves a little closer. "Aww Cmon now, don't be like that. A woman as sexy as you shouldn't have to spend the day alone."

I start to respond when I hear Sam's voice behind me. "Actually she's with me." I feel her fingers wrap around my waist as she pulls me close so that I'm right up against her. "Hey babe. Everything okay?"

I see the guy back away a little and when i look up, I see Sam standing behind me.

Her jaw is clenched and she has this look in her eyes that could definitely kill.

Even with a child on her shoulders and one clinging to her leg, she still looks intimidating, and hot.

I feel her kiss the top of my head and I can't help but smile up at her. She's so protective. "I'm fine baby."

I kiss her cheek and giggle as I see a soft red tint form where my lips just were.  "Good." She leans down and kisses my lips catching me completely off guard.

I don't even notice when the guy leaves.

Im lost in the feeling of her lips on mine and It feels divine.

I start to kiss her back when I hear my number being called. She breaks the kiss and When I look into her eyes she has this dreamy look on her face that makes me blush even harder. "I think he got the hint."

I laugh and playfully push her away before grabbing the food from the counter.

I hand Xavier his drink and offer him some cotton candy. He smiles so hard that his little dimples show and it's the cutest thing ever. "Thank woo!"

I feed some to sam and offer some to Amia.

She happily takes some and nibbles on it as she leans on Sam's head, definitely getting sugar all in her hair.

Sam sighs shaking her head because she knows she's going to have to wash it out later but I know she doesn't care. Her little girl is happy and that's all that matters.

We head over to the aquarium and as the kids are watching the fish swim around, sam has her arms wrapped around me from behind.

I lean back against her as we watch the kids squeal every time a fish swims by and I feel myself getting lost in the moment.

The feeling of her hands wrapped around my body. The soft kisses she trails along my neck. The heat from her breath against my ear.

I feel as if we are connected in a way that we've never been before and it's intoxicating.

I'm watching the kids when I feel her grip tighten a little.

I glance back as she begins to whisper in my ear and I swear I thought I was going to faint from how close she was. "You do look stunning today. I can't really blame that guy for trying."

I smile and gently cup her cheek. "He's not the one that I want." She smiles at me and I pull her face in, closing the gap between us.

I feel her tongue graze across my lips and I grant her access, moaning into the kiss. Her hands trail lower and I can feel the tension building in the air. The heat between our bodies melting us together.

When we finally pull apart, it takes a moment for us to catch our breaths.

She's about to tell me something when Amia runs over and tugs on her pants. "Mommy! Come look!"

She smiles down at her and kisses my cheek before letting her daughter drag her away.

Throughout the rest of the day, she either has her arms around me or she would check up on me whenever she was tending to the kids to make sure I was alright.

Whenever the kids would call her away from me to look at something, she had this cute little pout on her face and it made me laugh.

It was almost like she thought that if she let me go, that I'd run away or something.

As I watch her swing her kids on her arms as we head back to the car, I can't help but smile at the sight before me.

She looks back at me and smiles before crouching down before me and lifting me up onto her back. "Hey! What are you doing?"

She smiles over her shoulder at me as I laugh. "Piggy back ride!"

The kids laugh as she runs around in circles with me on her back and I don't think I can remember a single moment in my life when I was happier.

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