Chapter 18: Healing

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Ashley's POV

it's been about 2 years now since Paige's death and things are finally getting back to normal.

Sam doesn't drink anymore and the twins are starting pre school soon so we've been running around getting them everything they need.

Sam was overthinking it and bought them calculators and stuff even though I tried to explain to her that all you do in pre-k is color and learn the alphabet. She swears that her kids are going to be the smartest in the class but I told her that she should just let them have fun and be kids.

She tries to act tough, but she's such a softie for them. I tell her all the time that she spoils them too much but she doesn't care.

As long as she can make them smile, that's all she cares about.

I'm cooking dinner one night and Sam comes in from work exhausted. "Gosh, can today please come to an end?"

I give her a slight smile. I then hand her a water as she sits on one of the barstools, laying he head down on the counter."Rough day?"

She nods and I continue to cook as she talks about her day. I decided to make lasagna since it's quick and easy.

Plus, who doesn't love pasta?

I put it in the oven so that the cheese can melt and when I stand back up, I feel her hand graze my waist as she looks over my shoulder. "Almost done?"

My face heats up as I feel her chest press against my back. We haven't been as touchy as we used to be but every now and then when we do it sends a buzz through my whole body. "Umm yeah, it should be ready by the time you get changed."

She nods, "cool." She kisses my cheek and loosens her tie a little before heading off towards her room.

My heart races a little because I can still feel her fingers on my hip.

When I was with Taylor, I felt nothing but fear when she did that. It usually meant she was ready to go or that I did something wrong. I knew a punishment was coming.

But with Sam it feels so...good.

So warm and loving.

Like she just wanted to be close to me for a moment. I've been trying to keep my feelings at bay, but there are these little moments that always make me feel as if I could be with her forever.

I was in the office one night working late when I heard someone knock on my office door.

I look up and I see her peek her head in with a bag of Panda Express. "Hey, I know your busy but I brought you some dinner. I know you haven't eaten today."

I blush and walk around my desk so I can accept the food. "Aww thank you. Where are the kids?"

I look behind her, expecting to see them running around in the lobby, but it's quiet in there.

She scratches the back of her neck with one hand while the other sits in her pocket as she nervously leans against the wall. "Oh umm, they're with my aunt. She stole them for the day since she says I never bring them around."

I nod in understanding and set the bag on my desk. "Umm...I'm almost done if you want to join me for dinner?"

Her face beams and she nods before sitting across from me.

For hours we just eat and talk. It's so nice to just hear her voice again.

She's not completely herself again, but The light is slowly coming back to her eyes.

After we all eat dinner, we put the kids to bed and decide to watch a movie together.

I grab two glasses and a bottle of wine while she makes us some Popcorn. "Scary movie or comedy?"

She shrugs and sits beside me on the couch. "Whatever you want. I don't think you can handle a scary movie though."

I scoff and slap her chest causing her to laugh. "I'm not a scaredy-cat!"

She rolls her eyes playfully and tosses a piece of popcorn on her mouth. "Suuure."

I roll mine and turn on jeepers creepers before laying on her chest as she leans into the corner of the couch.

The whole time, we barely watch the movie. She asks me about my latest project and I go on and on about it.

It's for this famous movie star and she wants it to be as extravagant as possible. "She wants pink to be the main color but I'm thinking light pink. Like Easter colors? Ooo and I'll definitely accent it with white and were going to have to order these flowers soon or else they won't get here in time a-and..."

My voice trails off when I notice how she's looking at me.

A deep blush forms on my face as I feel her fingers draw lazy circles on my lower back and I see a glint of something in her eye. "I love the way you look when you talk about the things your passionate about."

I bite my lip a little feeling nervous.

She chuckles and lifts my chin so that our eyes meet again. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

I burst out laughing from being so nervous and playfully push her back. "Gosh you're somethin else, you know that?"

She shrugs and kisses my nose. "You love me though."

I roll my eyes and cuddle up to her chest. "Yes, I do."

✨Just cleaning up some wounds here 👀 don't mind me.✨

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