Chapter 26: Friends to lovers

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Ashley's POV

The past few weeks have been the best of my life.

Being with Sam is even better than I ever dreamed. She's so attentive to me and the kids and she always does these sweet little things to surprise me.

One time she sent flowers to my office with a spa day appointment attached and another night, I came home to a candle light dinner.

The kitchen was a wreck but I could tell that she worked really hard to put everything together for me. She's such a softie sometimes, it's adorable.

A few days ago, I was playing in her hair as she laid in my lap on the couch when She suddenly just took my hand a place a Singular soft kiss on the palm.

I blushed and kissed her forehead as she smiles up at me. "Now what was that for?"

She shrugged and kisses my hand again. "I just wanted to show you some affection, make sure you know that you are loved."

My cheeks felt even hotter as I tried to cover my face. "Ugh you're so darn cute!"

She laughed and sat up trying to uncover my eyes but I resisted so of course, this soon turned into a tickle fight.

We laughed and played on the couch like teenagers until the kids came rushing in.

Xavier started waving his foam sword in the air like a knight in shining armor. "I'll save you NaNa!"

They both climbed onto the couch and started trying to tickle Sam and I couldn't help but laugh at the site.

She happily played along with her kids pretending to fight back but eventually letting them win.

Moments like this, make me feel so blessed to have them all in my life.

There's never a dull moment, that's for sure.

I have a business meeting this week in New Jersey so I have to leave for a few days.

Sam understands and fully supports my work but the kids were a little confused.

When I was getting ready to leave and had my bags at the door, they ran up to me crying and clung to my legs.

"Noooo don't weave!" Xavier cried as her tried to pull me back by my skirt.

"We'll be good. Promise!" My heart ached as I saw their pained faces.

This is the first time that I won't be around them pretty much since the day they were born.

Even though I am not their Biological mother and I would never try to take Paige's place, I feel as if I'm doing something horrible to them.

I kneel down and hug them both before kissing them on the cheek. "Now now you two, you're going to make me cry." I choked out as I wiped a tear.

"NaNa just has to go on a trip for a couple of days but I'll be back okay? And when I get back we'll go get ice cream and build a fort and watch movies and do whatever you guys want to do. That sound good?"

They both nod their heads and I kiss them on the cheek one more time. "I love you guys."

They reach up and hug my neck giving me kisses as well. "Wove you mama Ashley."

I gasp a little as tears stream down my face.

I hug them a little tighter and let go when Sam comes over to get them. "Alright you two, go on and play. She's going to be late."

They nod their heads and run off to go play with their toys.

I go to wipe my eyes but Sam steps up and gently cups my face, wiping the tears away for me. "You okay love?"

I nod leaning into her touch. "They called me mama."

She smiles at me and kisses my nose making me choke up even more. "Well you have been in their lives since they could walk and talk. It's not much of a surprise that they would think that way about you."

I sigh a little and look into her eyes. "I just...I love those kids so much. They're my whole world and I would do anything to protect them and make them happy but...I don't want to replace Paige."

I see the sadness wash over her face and i gently caress her cheek.

I know the wound is still there.

I know that Paige will always hold a place in her heart.

I just know now that the rest of her loves and adores only me.

"You're not replacing her love. I know you might feel as if you are but I promise you that she is so happy that you are here taking care of her babies. If you are going to be in our lives, and if you keep keeping me up all night."

I giggle as she pulls me a little closer.

"Then the kids calling you mama is just naturally going to happen. You're just that 1 out of 1000 cool step mom that the kids actually like when they grow up."

I roll my eyes making her laugh and kiss her lips. "You're funny."

She kisses me back and for a moment,we get lost in each other.

She always knows just what to say to make me feel better.

Its one of the things I love about her.

We break the kiss and smile at each other before my phone signals that my Uber is here.

I frown a little not ready to go just yet but she kisses my cheek and helps me get everything in the car. "Alright, you're all set. If you have any problems just let me know. I'll be on the first plane to Jersey or I'll call up someone to take care of it. Actually, let me give you the guys number just in case-"

I laugh and kiss her cheek making her stop talking. "I'll be fine baby. Don't worry."

She smiles at me and kisses my lips. "I love you."

I smile up at her and return the kiss, savoring her taste as best I can. "I love you too."

She opens my door so that I can smile in and as I watch her figure fade in the distance, I can feel my heart tugging away in my chest.

We are soulmates, destined to be together.

I know that not all friendships end up this way, but im so happy that ours ended in us living together, happily ever after.

The End.

✨IT IS DONE 🔥🔥 I hope you all enjoyed the series! It was a bumpy ride for us all but we made it! Im going to take a break for awhile before I start working on other stories and I might include a "where are they now" chapter later on but for now, this is it! Thank you all so much for your support 💕💕✨

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