Chapter 9: I Forgive You

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Ashley's pov

I pull into the driveway and lean my head back on my seat.

I am exhausted.

I ended up scheduling two of the gigs back to back so I've been gone for 3 days trying to get them together.

I told Taylor I would be gone for awhile but I didn't expect it to take this long. Luckily the clients loved everything but I could really use a drink and a nap.

I grab my keys and open them front door only to be met with darkness. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as the air in the house feels colder, thicker.

I shake my head to clear it and go to the fridge to grab a drink. I settle on a glass of wine and as I'm pouring it, I feel someone walk up to me from behind. "Where have you been?"

I jump spilling some wine and hold my hand to my chest. "Jesus! You scared me!"

She rolls her eyes and grabs the bottle from me and sets it off to the side. "You said you were only going to be gone a day or two. It's been 3 days and you barley spoke to me the whole time."

I back up against the counter as she towers Over me and I turn my head. The smell of beer on her breath is nauseating and I can't stand to look at her right now. She has those eyes again.

The ones that burn into my soul and strike fear into my heart. "I..I tried to get it done quickly. There was just so much going on I couldn't..."

I gasp as she wraps her hand around my throat. My body begins to shake involuntary as I feel her grip tighten and a disgusting smirk appears on her face.

She loves when I'm like this. It's like she feeds off of my fear.

She caresses my cheek and tilts her head so that she can let her eyes roam my body. "Aww it's alright baby.I forgive you."

Her hand released my throat and I let out a shaky breath. I tense up a little when she grabs my waist and pulls me closer.

Our fronts are pressed together and when I feel her hardness through her shorts, I want to vomit. "I missed you ya know? It's been awhile and I've been so lonely without you. Why don't we head up to your room and have a little fun hm?"

I feel her grip tighten around me and I slowly nod my head.

As she leads me to the room, I feel myself begin to drift. I don't remember her closing the door. I don't remember her taking off my clothes.

All I remember are the sounds.

The sounds of her grunting and groaning. The sound of the bed creaking beneath us. The sound of her snoring when she's finally done.

Once I hear that, I ease out of bed and go to the bathroom to clean myself off. I take a long shower, carefully washing myself.

When I get out, I cringe as I see the red marks around my neck. "Well...I guess I'll have to wear sweaters for awhile. At least it's getting cold out."

I throw on a hoodie and some sweats before tiptoeing into the living room. She's probably going to be asleep for awhile since she's been drinking so I grab my wine and sit on the couch, finally being able to relax.

I pull out my phone and smile as Sam's Snapchat story pops up. It's a video of Sam trying to teach amia how to bake cookies but she just keeps tossing flower everywhere. She even tagged me in the video and said "please send help."

I giggle at the site and reply with a laughing emoji. Every time I see how happy she is I feel a bit of warmth inside.

That is truly all I've ever wanted. Seeing her smile like that makes everything so worth it.

She has what she wants and me... well, at least I'm wanted here. That will just have to do for now.

✨I'm sorry that this chapter is so short but it's my least favorite by far. The next chapter is the climax so buckle up !✨

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