Chapter 21: The Office

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Sam's POV

I groan as I sit in my office doing paperwork.

I swear they never tell you how much paperwork you have to do until after you accept a job. I've got scholarship packets, club requests, disciplinary forms, and all kinds of other crap to look over before the night is done.

I might have to stay up kind of late to get it all completed.

Lately, I've been trying to give Ashley some space.

I dumped a lot on her the other day and I don't want to overwhelm her by being all over her too much, but it's hard.

She's so beautiful and I feel as if I need to be near her constantly.

Not in an obsessive way though, more like, in a comforting way.

I know I loved Paige. I loved her for years and she still holds a place in my heart, but Ashley is different.

The love I feel for her knows no bounds.

She is the missing piece that I have needed for so long.

I was just too afraid to do anything about it.

Now that our feelings are out in the open, things have been getting a little more comfortable.

We haven't openly talked about our feelings but I don't think we have to.

I wouldn't say that we're officially together now, but things have been quite, interesting.

"Knock knock. Are you busy?"

I shake my head as I continue to fill out a form. "No, what's up?"

I look up at her as I hear her heels clicking against the wood floor and my glasses fog up a little. She's still wearing her business suit from her meeting today and she looks amazing.

I can't believe I let this stunning woman out of my grasp for so long.

Damn, I'm kinda dumb huh?

"So I was going over these numbers for the next event and I was wondering if you could help me figure something out." She walks over to my side of the desk and sits on the edge of it as she shows me the folder.

I wrap my arm around her waist and lean in so I can get a closer look and I can't help but take in how sexy she looks.

She's wearing a dark green blazer with a white blouse underneath and a matching green skirt that has now risen up to the middle of her thigh because of the way she is sitting on my desk. Her heels are black with lacing going up her legs and I feel myself beginning to lose focus.

Every now and then, my eyes trail down her legs and I feel my insides grow warm.

I'd love nothing more than to trail kisses up her nicely toned legs but I can't think about that right now. I need to focus on helping her with her work. What did she say about flowers again?

I must have gazed for too long because I hear her clear her throat and I physically cringe knowing I've been caught. "Are you even listening to me?"

I look up at her with a sheepish grin and she raises an eyebrow at me. "I'm listening! I was just umm..."

She smirks and closes her folder, setting it down on the desk. She turns to face me more and in this position, she's sitting on the desk in front of me and has her legs crossed to obstruct my view. "You were just what? Staring?"

I gulp a little at how her whole demeanor has changed and honestly, it's pretty hot.

She has this powerful aura surrounding her right now and I can't seem to find my words as she looks down at me. "I wasn't necessarily staring I was just.."

I lean forward to grab the folder and she presses a heeled foot onto my chest to hold me back. "Uh uh. Use your words."

My breathing begins to quicken and I feel my wetness increasing.

I bite my lip, not trusting my voice at all right now and she laughs. "Aww what's the matter baby?" She moves her foot and leans forward. "Cat got your tongue?" She grabs my tie and pulls me forwards so that our faces are mere inches apart.

I can feel her breath on my face and I want nothing more than to kiss her lips, but I hold it in. "Not yet."I smirk a little and she tilts her head.

I know what she's doing. She's teasing me to see how far I can hold out. How much I can really take before I lose my composure.

It almost worked too.

Only, I think that she forgot that, I'm the one who taught her that.

I reach up and grab her throat causing her to gasp.

I then use my free hand to grab her ass and pull her up against me so that my leg is wedged between hers, pressing right up against her clit.

She bites her lip and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Oh? Somebody's quiet now."

She whimpers a little as I tighten my grip around her throat and I have to force down a moan.

She's so fucking sexy when she's like this. I love a dominant woman, a woman that knows what she wants.

But I also like dominating them to the point where they have no choice but to do as I say.

It's a fun little game.

Who can get the other to submit first.

I turn her head to one side and slowly nibble and suck on one spot on her neck until a nice hickey forms.

She grips my tie a little tighter as a moan escapes her lips. "Fuck..."

I smile against her neck at her reaction and back away from her, leaving her confused and slightly dazed by my action. "Is there anything else you needed? I really do have a lot of paperwork to get to."

I lean back in my chair, looking over some forms, as She gives me a crazy look. Two can play at this game my dear.

She groans and hits me in the arm with her folder. "You're going to pay for this!"

I laugh as she storms out of the room, frustration evident on her face. "I look forward to it." I call out as she slams the door behind her.

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