Chapter 12: Blackout

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✨Since my readers are awesome, here is an extra chapter for today!💕🥰✨

Ashley's pov

I can't move.

Sam is pretty much pinning me up against the wall and Taylor is standing right there staring at us.

I can't breathe.

It completely slipped my mind that she was on her way home. I should have gotten Sam out of here sooner.

I don't want her to get hurt.

"Taylor baby's not what you think." She drops her bag and I swear I can see steam coming out of her ears.

"I leave for 10 minutes and you just can't keep your hands to yourself huh?" I literally start shaking at the venom in her voice.

I know tonight is going to be rough. I know she's going to be so mad.

I can take it though.

I can handle the pain. I just need to get Sam out of here.

I reach a shaky hand up to push sam away when she suddenly turns around to face Taylor.

She uses her body to shield me and presses me up against the wall a little more. "Watch your tone."

Taylor scoffs and tries to look around her to see me. "Oh what? You think you can protect her now? I think you're a little late for that bub."

I tightly grip the back of her shirt and feel her start to breathe heavily. Her body is tense and her fists are clenched so tight that I feel like her hands are going to bleed from her nails digging into her palms.

"She's mine now Sam. You had your chance to have her but you passed her up. Now, get out of the way and get out of my house."

Sam looks back at me and gives me a slight smile. "Stay here for me. Okay?" I nod my head and before I can even blink, Sam lunges at Taylor.

She lands a solid right hook onto her jaw and I watch as her body hits the ground.

She spits out blood and shakes her head before laughing maniacally. "Oh this is great! I've been waiting on this for a long time. COME ON SAMMY! Let's see what you got!"

She gets to her feet and they exchange punches and kicks before grappling on the ground.

Taylor slams her against the ground and I gasp seeing her lose her breath. Taylor stands over her and tries to stomp on her face but Sam rolls out of the way dodging it.

She gets back on her feet and lands two good hits to Taylor's head before kneeing her in the stomach.

Taylor stumbles back and receives a clean kick to the jaw.

The sound was deafening.

I know for a fact that her jaw had to be broken by now and I was starting to feel myself wanting to help her.

Taylor is disoriented.

She probably has some type of head trauma by now but Sam doesn't care. She kicks her onto her back and kneels above her.

Sam's chest roses and falls as pure rage builds inside of her.

She punches Taylor's face.

Again. And again. And again.

Each time her fist connects with her face, I feel Taylor's fists connecting with my body in all of the different places she's hit me.

I can't take it and rush over to stop her. "Sam! Sam please stop! She's done...she's done!"

I try to grab her arm but when she rears back, her elbow hits me right in the lip.

She instantly freezes and looks back, seeing the blood drip from my mouth. "Oh no ash...I'm so sorry!"

She crawls over to me and examines my face as I hear the police sirens coming in from a distance. Her eyes are full of worry and I can't help the tears that pour from mine.

She has a bruise on her cheek, a cut on her eye, and her own lip is a bit swollen.

Then I realize that Taylor isn't moving. "Taylor? Taylor baby wake up!" I try to shake her awake as the cops burst in the door and Sam has to pull me off of her so that they can examine her.

"Ash it's's okay shhh..." I calm down a little and look up at her in shock.

There is blood all over her face and shirt but she doesn't seem to care.

Her only concern, is me.

I gently caress her face and and run my thumb over her swollen lip. "Thank you....thank you for saving me." I hug her neck and she hugs me back, letting me cry as much as I want as the paramedics take Taylor away on a stretcher.

The cops question us and Sam explains the entire situation from the abuse to Taylor attacking her and Sam defending herself.

After taking our statements, they assure us that they will get back to us with any details and leave.

Once the door is shut, she picks me up bridal style and Tilts her head at me. "Let's get you cleaned up hm?" I roll my eyes at her and she laughs a little.

"You look worse than me. I can handle a busted lip." She shakes her head and Carries me all the way to the bathroom as if My legs don't work.

Along the way, I can't help but lean into her and smile.

She is my protector. My person.

Always has been, and always will be.

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