Chapter 7: My Missing Piece

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A few years later/present time

Sam's POV

I loosen my tie as I drive out of the school parking lot.

I've been texting Ashley all day but she's been being really short with me for some reason.

I decided to head over to her place because things have been feeling off between us lately and i don't like it. I started noticing it more at the twins birthday party.

They had just turned 1 and everyone was having a great time. Ash planned the party of course and was so excited for the kids to open their gifts. She got them a giant mat the made animal noises when they stepped on a specific spot.

They obviously had no idea what any of their gifts were but me and Paige couldn't help but groan because we knew that mat was going to drive us insane.

As the party continues, I see her making herself a drink and make my way over. "Drinkin on the job huh?"I playfully bump her hip with my own making her laugh.

She bumps me back before taking a sip of her drink. "I don't think my god babies would mind me rewarding myself. I did just give them the best 1st birthday party in California."

I roll my eyes and lean back against the table. "Hey I helped! I hung up the happy birthday sign all by myself!"

She laughs and pinches my cheek. "And you did a good job. I only did EVERYTHING else!"

We laugh and catch up a little since we've both been incredibly busy lately. I feel like we aren't as close as we used to be and it honestly makes me sad sometimes.

I remember when we used to be together almost 24/7 but now, we barely see one another once a week. I know she's busy with her business picking up and the school has me running all over the place but, I still feel like we should still be able to hang out more.

Don't get me wrong, I love my wife and my kids with every ounce of my being. But then there's Ashley.

She's my missing piece. Its like the longer I'm away from her, the more I need to be near her.

Even right now, I can feel her energy just radiating into me and it feels so good. I can't help but smile as she babbles on about some work thing.

I love how passionate she is about what she's doing. Ever since I saw that sparkle in her eyes the night she booked her first gig, I knew she was going to be something special. Now look at her, top rated party planner in the area.

She has events booked out a year in advanced and the calls just keep coming. She even had to put up an office downtown and hire staff in order to keep up with the demand.

When she did her official grand opening, I made sure I was there. I was so proud of her and I'm even more proud now.

Hearing all of her accomplishments so far is making me feel like I'm missing out on so much of her life. It would be nice if we could start our weekly gym sessions again.

I loved getting to work out together and talk about how our weeks went at the same time. I used to look forward to it every week because it was so relaxing.

As we're talking, I'm about to ask her about starting those up again when Taylor comes up and wraps an arm around her. "Hey there you are, I've been looking all over."

I watch as her smile fades a little before looking up at Taylor, forcing a slight smile. "Aw I'm sorry. You ready to go?"

Taylor nods and starts pulling her towards the door. "See ya later sam! We have to get home before it's too late out. Enjoy the party!" Ashley gives me a slight wave and before I can even speak, they're out the door.

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