[3] In the Kitchen

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"Oh my god I'm going to be late!" I shriek, breaking from my studying to look at the time. I grab my backpack, and run out in what I'm wearing. Sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a messy bun. Not that unusual for me. Once I'm on campus, I can relax, I have more time than I anticipated. As I walk to the business building, I see a face I prayed not to see again. Less sweaty this time, he's in jeans and a hoodie. He sees me and rolls his eyes. I glare at him, before continuing to walk. If this continues, I'm gonna have to find a new route to class.

After sitting through a boring lecture, I leave the building. He's sitting on a bench in front of the building. You have to be kidding me.

"Oh, hi waitress," he comments when he sees me.

"You treat all your wait staff like that?"

"Only the rude ones."

"I'm assuming you think they're all rude as a way to cheap out of a tip."

"Do I seem like the type?"

"Textbook." He and I stare each other down for a minute, until I realize how pointless this is. "Well, I'd love to continue our little chat, but I do have places to be."

"Another shift at the pizza place? Maybe I'll stop by, ask for a Ginger Ale."

"Unfortunately, you'd be disappointed. Our soda machine broke. Coincidentally, after you made a fit about the soda. Almost like you, may have done it."

"Please, I'm not a child."

"Oh really? Huh, surprising to me," I shrug walking away eliminating any possibility for a continuation of the conversation. My phone dings, one of my links telling me to come to his room. Just what I need, some dick after talking to that dick. I don't sleep at my one-night stands houses or dorms. It's cliche and stupid. The second they're out asleep, I'm out the door. After mediocore sex where I fake another orgasm, I head back home. Back at my house, I tell my friends about my encounter with the ass again today, angry, and they simply roll their eyes, telling me to not let a guy rile me up.

They're right, but I'm not used to guys riling me up, I'm used to them falling at my feet. It's weird, getting pushback from a guy, I don't like it.

Two days later, I'm strolling on campus to get to one of my few classes in the first semester of Junior year, when I see him again.

"Fancy seeing you here!" He smirks.

"I think you're stalking me," I say, looking at him. Holy shit, he is tall.

"Switch that around hun, I think you're stalking me."

"Hun? I didn't think our relationship was that serious yet," I fake pout and he scoffs.

"Our relationship is not serious, in fact, it's nonexistent, just a nickname I like."

"Yeah I'm sure that does the trick with allll the girls right?"

"Do you think I'm some asshole?"

"Why wouldn't I? You're a walking, popular, basketball player stereotype dick."

"Not all basketball players are dicks you know."

"Oh I'm well aware! I know Marcus! Not a dick. You are, though."

"I really appreciate getting singled out by you, it means a lot."

"Don't get used to it buddy," I call as I walk away into my building.

Later that night, I'm holed up in my room studying for a big Business Ethics test. My go to study outfit, a sports bra and sweatpants. My hair is pulled back by a hair clip to keep out of my face as I write aggressively and cram as much information into my brain as possible. Letting out a sigh, I decide it's time for a study break. I have a hankering for Fruit Loops, so I leave my room and head to the kitchen.

What. The. Fuck.

In MY kitchen, the ENTIRE basketball team is raiding the snacks. They all turn, see me in my sports bra, and start laughing.

"Marcus are you fucking kidding me?" I shout.

"Movie night," he smiles, pulling popcorn out of the microwave.

"And you didn't think to tell me?!"

"I figured you'd forbid me to have them over because of Liam over there." I look over, Liam is staring at me, in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I groan, pushing through them to grab the milk from the fridge.

"What are you up to tonight?" Some guy on the team asks.

"Jasper, don't fuck with her right now," Marcus says. I've heard about Jasper. Player galore. Fucking a new girl every other day. Male version of me.

"Studying for a test."

"Oh, she's a well read smarty pants!" He giggles. I'm pouring the milk over my cereal while he snickers.

"Come on, I'll go put the movie on in a second, go claim spots in the living room," Marcus shoos all the boys out of the kitchen. "I'm sorry," he says, resting against the fridge.

"Milk." He moves out of my way as I put the milk away. "You could've at least told me after they got here so I didn't leave my room in a sports bra."

"I know, I'm sorry. I should've told you, I just wanted to enjoy a night with the guys. We need this bonding. Plus..." His eyes trail to the living room, looking longingly at the guy with blue hair.

"Oh we will be discussing that later," I say, tapping his chest before leaving the kitchen. "Enjoy your movie boys! Clean up after," I call out before heading back into my room to continue studying. 

A/N: Hello! I hope you're enjoying the first three chapters so far! I know they're a little shorter, but they do get longer as the story progresses and the plot develops more (hehe), but for now, they're a little on the shorter side, it is worth it though. 

While I know there aren't that many characters introduced, who's your favorite so far?

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