[41] Tainting

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Walking into the event, there are people everywhere. I check in, before slinking to the bar for water.

"Iris?" Billy walks up to me, a surprised look on his face.

"Billy? What are you doing here?"

"Did you not recognize the name of the non-profit? It's my mom's!"

"Oh my gosh, I must have completely blanked! Is there anyone else we know here?"

"Um, yes!" Billy looks around. "My parents, obviously, Rosemary is with them, my girlfriend, Genevive, Megan, Jackson."

"Megan?" I spit out.

"Yeah, she's a big help with the non-profit!" Almost sensing we're talking about her, Megan saunters over.

"Billy, your girlfriend is the sweetest, most delightful girl I have ever met."

"I feel lucky every day," he smiles. "Look who showed up!" Billy points to me, and the air between Megan and I goes cold.

"Billy, mind leaving us? For a little bit of girl talk."

"Sure thing ladies," Billy walks away, placing a loving hand on his girlfriend's back.

"So, Iris. Here alone?"


"Did he run away on his own or did you drive him out?"

"Why are you like this Megan? Why do you live your life, negative, hating everything, everyone? Doesn't it make you tired?"

"It's how I've always lived, you know that."

"I do. I lived with it too."

"How so?"

"Your lifestyle seeped in through the cracks in our relationship, and it darkened everything in my life."

"Please, you did that to yourself. Those cracks? You did those."

"No." I finally realize. I didn't break anything, or anyone. "We didn't work. We spent years trying to make it work. Those cracks made themselves." We forced something that was not working, and it made me think I was breaking her. In reality, I was just breaking myself, and she was breaking me too. 

"Please, we were perfect together."

"No, we weren't. We had different priorities. We cared about each other at different levels. I put in so much work to make it work, and you did nothing. I tried putting glue in those cracks, to stop your lifestyle from consuming me, but when it did, we became miserable. I became miserable." I don't taint people. I never have. I love people, maybe a little too much, but I love people. 

"This is so uncalled for," Megan rolls her eyes, her blonde hair shaking slightly as her head moves, like there's wind inside this venue. "Everything was your fault, our relationship, you losing all your friends, the fact that you didn't die when you tried to." My eyes sting. Her words sting my soul.

"I'm done with you, Megan."

"What?" She scoffs. "No you aren't, you will always come back to me. You always have."

"No, I won't. Not this time. I'm done with your manipulation, abuse, lying. I'm done with you."

"Fine, but since you're alone, have fun living by yourself. Or dying by yourself."

"Go fuck yourself, Megan. Seems to be the only person you can keep." Her mouth hangs open as I walk past her, past everyone, out of the venue. Once outside, I let my emotions take over. Sobs heave out of my chest, as I'm reminded of all the nights I spent crying over Megan, and my overdose attempt. Even if I thought I was over it all, hearing it from her mouth hurts me more than I could've ever expected. 

It's raining now, cold, and I'm outside in a strapless dress. Standing under a tiny awning, my finger searches my phone to tell me who the person I need the most right now is, because the hell if I know. I stop scrolling, my finger hovering over the call button. Two rings, and the call is answered.

"I need you."

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