[20] Family Visits

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"I'm home," I shout, wheeling my suitcase through the door.

"Sis is here!" Jacob runs and practically tackles me.

"You're getting so big little man what?! Stop growing!"

"Never!" He growls, before rolling off me.

"Hi Iris," Aster extends her hand and helps me up.

"Hi Aster," I give her a hug, and nod to her boyfriend, Alex.

"There's our final child!" In walks Dad, glasses on and his usual button up flannel, freshly folded newspaper in hand.

"Hi Dad!" I smile, giving him a hug. Our hug is broken up when Mom pushes us away to get her own hug.

"There's my girl!" As she hugs me, I can feel her sniffing me.

"Why are you sniffing me?"

"Why do I smell cologne on you?" Fuck. I always forgot Liam wears strong cologne until we'd get into bed, and I didn't change out of pajamas before heading to the airport because what's the point, and he definitely rubbed off on me.

"Thomas has been staying over the house a lot, and his clothes keep getting mixed in with mine in the wash."

"Okay..." Mom looks at me suspiciously. "I missed you, my flower!"

"Mom, we're both named after flowers," Aster complains.

"Maybe she just likes me better," I shrug and joke, and Aster sticks her tongue out at me. "I have to run to the pharmacy to pick up another prescription, I'll be back in twenty." Driving Dad's old car, everything is as I remember. The snowmen the town puts up are demolished by rain, the sidewalks slushy, and barely any people. Inside the pharmacy, I say hi to my good friend the pharmacist before picking up my prescription. On my way out, I run into a tall, hunk of a man.


"Billy! No way! How are you?" Billy, the guy I dated before Megan. Hard to come back into the hometown without seeing at least him or Megan.

"Good oh my god it's been so long! How've you been?" He wraps me in a hug and I can feel his breath on my neck.

"Good! It's been quite some time since I was back. Are you at college here in town?"

"Yeah, majoring in Biomed. You're majoring in-"

"Business Management," I answer, and he nods.

"Right up your alley," he laughs. "Want to take a quick pic to commemorate that I got to reunite with you and no one's seen you in months?" I laugh and nod, and we take a picture. I post it on Instagram with the caption "Funny thing isn't it?!"

"So nice to see you, but I do have to get back to my family who are itching to hear all about junior year."

"Of course. Hey, if you get bored while you're here, don't hesitate to call me, I can show you the fun stuff."

"My days are already packed with family stuff, but I appreciate it," I wave before leaving the store. Not surprised Billy would try to hit while I was here, but me not even being sad about declining is new. Back at home, I wheel all my stuff into my childhood bedroom, where Aster and Alex have already dumped their stuff. I cannot believe I have to share a room with a couple. Barf.

I already want to leave, so I head into Jacob's room. I knock on the door and see him wrapped in a blanket playing with Legoes.

"Hey buddy, can I come in?"

"Come play with me!" I sit down with him and start building a Star Wars Lego set with him.

"How are you feeling?"

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