[8] Dreams

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I'm sitting in bed, adjusting my eyes to the light. In front of me, she's pulling her brown hair into a ponytail. I survey the scene in front of me, a black bra with pink lace is the only thing donning her chest, and she's wearing a pair of sweatpants. After putting her hair up, she drags her hands across my bare chest, and the touch makes me shiver. Taking her tongue, she licks up and down my chest, and I suppress a moan.

My eyes shoot open. In front of me, I see Iris cleaning up the bowl of chips. Archer is queuing up another movie. No way I just had a borderline sex dream about Iris. I would not fuck her, knowing her she'd criticize me during sex or something. I'll just push that dream away for the rest of my life. I watch her as she grabs a cup from the cupboard, reaching up, and I see the back band of her bra, black. This is going to drive me crazy if I let it, which I won't.

"Huh?" Lilly snorts as she wakes up. "Where did Iris go?"

"Kitchen," Archer points. "We're putting on Far From Home, by the way." He's looking at me now, noticing I'm awake. "Sleep well?"

"You could say that."

"Mhm," he eyes me suspiciously. "Any dreams?"

"I haven't dreamt in years bro."

"Well, you were twitching in your sleep, it seemed like you were dreaming."

"I was twitching?!" I'm screwed.

"And I could have sworn I heard you swallow a moan, any special dream that you can't remember over there?"

"Nope, no dream. Maybe I was just sleeping super well." Archer knows I'm lying, and I'll never live this down. I readjust on the couch to watch the movie, and Iris comes back in with a glass of water. Lilly however, has now stretched out and is asleep across Violet's lap, who has now woken up and is playing with Lilly's hair.

"Ugh," Iris rolls her eyes, "where am I supposed to sit now?"

"I've got some space next to me," Archer offers. Iris shrugs and slides in between him and Violet, who possessively grabs her.

"Don't try anything buddy," she stares at him.

"Wasn't planning on it." Everybody turns their attention back to the movie, and I hear Violet mumble "Fuck Jake Gyllenhaal," and chuckle, of course this would be a group in on all the Taylor stuff. I don't disagree, I'm a big Taylor guy myself, but them being Swifities makes so much sense.

At 4, I see Iris stretch.

"Okay, we're leaving. I feel like I might contract a disease from sitting on this couch too long."

"We're not frat boys," Archer laughs. Iris gives Jasper a look, and he just laughs nervously.

"Yeah, but you know them." She's referencing Chad. There's a few frat boys on the team, but our group doesn't really fuck with them because they're... well because they're frat boys.

"Yeah and none of them come over this house and sure as hell aren't fucking on this couch. The only people fucking on this couch are us and our hookups."

"Did not need to know," Iris laughs, shoving her hand in Archer's face.

"What, no hookups on your couch?"

"Have you seen our group?" Iris cackles. "First of all, we all have bedrooms, and Lilly and Thomas aren't into kinky shit so bedroom it is. Marcus, love him to death, gets no dick, and Violet doesn't look for casual hookups."

"Remember that one time Lilly and Thomas tried having sex in the kitchen and we all walked in," Violet laughs.

"I just started blocking that out of my memory, thanks Vi."

"No problem," she fist bumps Iris.

"And you?" Archer raises an eyebrow.

"I have a bedroom."

"So according to your definition of kinky, does that mean you aren't kinky either? Keeping it only in the bedroom."

"That's not what I'm insinuating, just that I'm not a complete idiot and know the right places to fuck when you have roommates."

"Oh, Iris is hella kin-" Violet's face is in a pillow, Iris smiling sweetly.

"We are not discussing my sex life."

"On the contrary, I feel this may be very interesting," I lean forward. "Maybe you're lying, maybe you don't bring anyone home."

"Yeah like you do?" She retorts. "Everybody knows you're basically unfuckable."

"Is that really my reputation?"

"Well let's see, any girl that approaches you about a casual hookup gets rejected, any girl that approaches you about a date gets rejected, or so I've heard. So yeah, you're literally unfuckable."

"You don't know that's true."

"Be honest, how much pussy do you get weekly?" I stay silent. "Monthly?" I stay quiet.

"It's not your business."

"Just like my sex life isn't your business, stay out of it."

"Sure thing captain."

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