[21] A Glimpse in His Eyes

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Back at my house, I text Liam.

Me: "Home. Still waiting for that party."

It's about two hours after I left home for my flight, but it's better than a 10+ hour car ride. No response from Liam, which is odd, he usually responds.

"Hey, do you know what the guys are up to tonight?" I ask Marcus.

"Probably nothing, Liam had to leave super unexpectedly because something is going on with his mom, so I think they're all just chilling."

"Something is going on with Liam's mom?"

"Yeah, dunno what though." I grab my keys and get in my car, driving as quickly as I can to the guys' house. I knock on the door as loudly and quickly as possible, and Jasper opens it.

"What's up?"

"What hospital did Liam go to?"

"The one on the other side of town-why?" I turn and get back in my car, and within 10 minutes I'm at the hospital. Second floor waiting room, I see Kai swinging their legs in the seat.

"Hey," I say, leaning down next to them.

"Iris!" They shout, wrapping their arms around my neck and giving me a hug. At the mention of my name, I see someone with their back to Kai, standing against the wall, turn their head around. Liam looks like shit. I break from the hug with Kai and stand up.


"Why are you here?"

"Well I heard something was up with your mom, and I remember you said how alone you felt when stuff like this happens so I wanted to come check on you-" Liam wraps me in a hug. I hug him back.

"I may hate you like no other, but thank you."

"You know you love me," I joke. He sits down in a waiting room chair, and I sit in between him and Kai. Both are knocked out asleep in 5 minutes. Kai's head is in my lap, and I stroke their hair while they sleep. It reminds me of the nights I've spent with Jacob when his anxiety gets bad mixed with the testosterone. After about 20 minutes, I see a man walking toward us. I poke Liam awake, and he stands up. The man must be his dad.

"How is she?" Liam asks.

"Why is there a girl here? Your girlfriend? You know that will only distract you from your studies and basketball."

"We aren't together," I say, intervening, "We're barely friends."

"Then why are you here?"

"I coached Kai at a basketball camp and Liam told me about Mrs. Bender so I wanted to come support Kai, it must be hard for them, being so young."

"Kai? You mean my Katherine?"

"They prefer to be called Kai, sir," I'm timid, but I think I'm doing the right thing.

"I don't have time for this, you'll explain that to me later," he points to Liam, who nods timidly. "You can go see her now." Liam nods and pokes Kai awake.

"Hey kiddo, want to go see mom?"

"Yes!" Kai exclaims jumping up from the chair and grabbing Liam's hand.

"Did you bring a car?" Liam's dad asks me.

"Yes," I nod.

"This is a tall ask," he says, slumping into the chair next to me. "But I'm going to be here all night with Darlene, and need my car. Could you drive the two of them home?"

"Of course, it's the least I can do. Can I say something?" He nods tiredly. "I understand what your family is experiencing. The in and out of hospitals. My younger brother he-" we're interrupted by Liam walking with Kai on his hip, and Kai is crying.
"Kai needs to go home."

"You're going home too," Liam's dad says. "This girl,"

"Iris," I say.

"Iris is going to drive you both home, I'm going to stay."

"Okay," Liam nods. As we leave, he turns and looks at me. "Thank you."

"I really hate you, you know?"

"I know," he lays his head on my shoulder as we walk to the car. I force him to buckle in and buckle Kai in myself. Driving back to their house, Kai is asleep in the back, and Liam's eyes are fluttering. Arriving at the house, I carry Kai in after Liam unlocks the door. I find their room and tuck them in, before going to check on Liam. He's sitting on his bed, lifeless.

"Liam?" He looks up. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know," he rubs his face. "Can you stay tonight?"


"I just don't want to be alone right now."

"Sure," I slide into his desk chair.

"No, I really need to sleep tonight."

"I can go on the couch in the living room-"

"No, can you stay in bed?"

"Sure." I climb into bed with him, and he immediately wraps his arms around me. I can see his shoulders shaking, and I look up. I see tears dripping down his face. Sitting up, I meet his eye level. I wipe away his tears and he buries his head into my neck.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly.

"Don't apologize, what you're going through is hard. You're so strong, supporting Kai through it all too." He doesn't respond, I can hear him sniffling but he starts to calm down. II rub his back and he cries for another 30 minutes. Soon, he's asleep across my lap, and I shoot Lilly a quick text that I won't be home tonight. I fall asleep sitting up, feeling his chest rise and fall on my lap under the blankets.

The next morning, I hear rustling, and see him digging around his closet.

"Can you be any more quiet?" I say sarcastically.

"You should be thanking me, you're shivering. I forgot our heat is broken, so I'm grabbing you a hoodie."

"Oh I'm fine with this thin ass blanket, thank you very much." Liam rolls his eyes and tosses a sweatshirt to me. Ironically, it's a college basketball hoodie with his number on the back. "Why isn't this with you at college?"

"My parents got it custom made for me my Freshman year for Christmas," he laughs. I chuckle, thinking about how embarrassed he is about it.

"Well, if it is something that embarasses you, I will wear it with pride." Tugging it on, its warmth welcomes me, and the first thing I notice is how it smells like him. A deep, musky smell, and it fills my senses, oddly comforting me. I get up, and get ready to leave his house, before checking on Kai, still sound asleep.

"Thank you for taking care of Kai last night." Liam is behind me, also checking in on Kai. I can feel his hot breath on my neck and he places his hands on my hips. Part of me wants to stay, let him keep his hands on my hips, swallowed in his hoodie. But my untouched suitcase in my room is reminding me I have to return to my life, and that I can't just stay in this one.

"It was the least I could do." Turning around, I make direct eye contact with Liam. His eyes are tired, still a little puffy from crying, but they seem soft and caring, as he looks at me with a sweet smile. "If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to text me, okay?" He nods, and I leave his house, forgetting I'm still wearing his hoodie. Walking into my house, not even a minute in, I hear screeching.

"Is that Liam Bender's hoodie?" Violet shrieks.

"And you are currently wearing it after a night out?" Lilly adds. I look for help from Thomas, who's just laughing on the couch.

"You two finally fucked!" Violet screams.

"We did not!" I scream back. "Some stuff happened with his mom, so I stayed over to take care of his younger sibling. The heat was broken so Liam just gave me a hoodie I forgot to give back. Nothing happened, like always."

"Y"all are boring," Lilly whines. 

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