[35] Reunion

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The fluorescent lights buzz, and I hear commotion around me. Nurses taking needles in and out from my arms, and the beeping of the machines creates a beat. Quickly, they clear out, and I see my family in the doorway.

"My flower," Mom sighs. "How are you my dear?"

"I'm disoriented. I'm still confused."

"That's okay, for now just relax."

"Where did Liam go?"

"Who?" Aster asks.

"The boy who was sitting next to me," Mom adds. "He got kicked out by the nurses so they could check on you."


"Would you prefer a boy over us?" Jacob asks.

"You are the boy I prefer," I chuckle. Jacob climbs onto the bed, sitting facing me.

"You look weird."

"Don't remind me," I sigh. Changing the subject, I say, "Liam's pretty intent on catching the guy."

"Him and all your other friends out there," Mom says. "There's a lot of people out there for you. A lot of people that care about you."

"They're all good people. I'm glad they're my friends."

"Just friends?" Aster asks.

"I'm in a hospital bed, and you're still asking about my relationships."

"I can't help it, it's clear he cares about you." I feel my cheeks start to heat up. "You're blushing, oh come on!"

"Keep your voice down," Dad shushes Aster, who rolls her eyes.

"Can I stay with you 'sis?" Jacob asks.

"Yes please," I smile, welcoming Jacob to cuddle with me. He curls up next to me, and is fast asleep immediately. "How long was the flight?"

"2 hours, like normal. He doesn't fly much, though." Aster is sitting in the chair in my room, my parents talking to the doctor outside the room.

"How's the baby?" I ask.

"I lost it." There's pain in Aster's eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"I really thought this was the one," she says sadly. "One day."

"It will happen, Aster. Mom produced 3, don't give up."

"Thanks I."

"Of course A."

"Hi." Liam is rubbing his eyes in the doorway. "How are you feeling? Everybody's asking."

"Everybody, or you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm included in the everybody count."

"I'm feeling better, a little confused, everything is kind of a blur but the pain isn't too bad."

"That's the meds for you."

"I guess, I've never been on them before."

"Is that Jacob?" Liam points to the sleeping child next to me.

"Yup, out like a light."

"I'm Aster," Aster waves from the chair across the room.


"Oh, I know," she laughs. Liam stands in the doorway for another minute, awkwardly smiling. He looks like a dork.

"Dork." I snort.

"Excuse me?"

"You look like a dork, just standing there."

"Alright, it seems your attitude stayed, even with the meds. Lucky me." He rolls his eyes. "I'll just leave."

"No," I whine. "Stay?"

"You want the dork to stay?"

"You're gonna stay in the waiting room, right? Just stay in here."

"I think Lilly and Marcus want to see you."

"Ugh," I roll my eyes. "Can you stay while they're here, they're going to be a worried mess." He walks closer, holding my hand as he looks down at me on the bed.

"I was a worried mess, they just care about you."

"Does that mean you care about me?" Liam's mouth opens, and I wait for words, but they don't come.

"You're awake!" Lilly cheers from the door. "How are you doing? What hurts? What emotions are you feeling? I was so worried." I give Liam an 'I told you so' look, and he chuckles. He slinks into a chair in the room while Marcus and Lilly visit with me.

"I'm feeling better. Everything happened so quickly so I'm a little confused but overall I'm feeling okay."

"Good," Marcus sighs in relief. "You got some sleep earlier, so that will help."

"Yeah, with Liam," Lilly snorts. I give her a panicked look and she realizes he's sitting in the corner. "Oh!" She shouts, not knowing how to keep anything subtle. I hear Aster laughing from her chair. I hear Liam snort from his chair.

"My car is fucked, right?"

"Yeah... It's really bad."

"Ugh," I groan. I saved up all Freshman and Sophomore year for that car.

"We can all drive you everywhere," Liam suggests. "Like your own personal Ubers."

"Good idea!" Marcus exclaims. "After you rest for at least a week."

"Nothing is broken, thank god," I sigh.

"Yeah, but your wrist is fractured, and you have deep cuts. Not to mention your entire torso is bandaged because of the glass," Lilly says.

"The glass," I sigh, remembering the feeling of the glass sliding into my side, and I wince in pain.

"Are you okay?" Lilly asks frantically.

"Yes, just slowly remembering."

"You should probably rest," Aster says, getting up, picking Jacob up with me. "Let's move out everybody." Marcus, Lilly, and Aster turn to leave, and as Liam does, I grab his hand.

"Stay, please."

"Okay," he nods. He pulls a chair over to the bed so he can sit with me. He holds my hand, slowly stroking it with his thumb. Any other day, I'd be ready to fuck this man with all the touching he's doing, but for now, he's being the most comfort for me.

"Talk to me."



"Well, my dad said the doctors are making breakthroughs with my mom."

"Really?" My eyes light up. "That's amazing!"

"Nothing is confirmed, but even detecting whatever it is that she has is a relief for everyone. There's no details yet, they've been running tests a lot recently, so I'm hoping something is relatively conclusive."

"It looks like it's on that track, I'm so glad." I smile, cupping his hand with both of mine. He smiles weakly, staring at me.

"Are you going to need help getting discharged?"

"I think my parents are staying here for a few days, so they'll help me get back to the house."

"Are they staying with you?"

"Probably. We have a guest room, and Jacob or Aster can stay with me."

"I'll be over to help too."

"Stop that," I laugh. Liam looks at me, confused. "Stop being all caring, it doesn't suit you."

"Well excuse me," he scoffs, "I am simply trying to help."

"And it is very appreciated," I pinch his cheek, "But everybody is trying to help, it's going to get overwhelming."

"Okay I understand that. But if you need me, don't hesitate to text me, I'll be over immediately."

"Alright, alright."

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