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One year later

"Did you pull the chicken out of the oven?" Liam asks as he tosses the salad.

"Yes, did you set the table?"

"Yes. Where's Piper?"

Liam's eyes grow wide. The house is unusually quiet. "Oh no." Liam rushes out of the kitchen into the dining room, before I hear laughter. "She pulled the entire table setting off the table. How did we miss that?"

"I think we were a little occupied," I snort, walking out to join in. I dust off my hands on my apron, Liam doing the same. I survey the scene in the dining room, our dining room, and let out a loud laugh. All the table places and the tablecloth are on the floor, definitely not where they should be. The culprit sits next to the mess with a wide happy smile. Liam gives me an annoyed look.

"She's certainly yours."

"Oh, be quiet. She's a mix of both of us." I kneel down next to Piper, who's sitting innocently and happily next to the ruined table.

"You are so lucky everyone loves you," I laugh, rubbing her head. "And we are so lucky you're not a human child." This earns a laugh from Liam, and a bark from our golden retriever puppy, Piper.

"One day," Liam smiles.

"Oh really? My finger looks a little bare," I wiggle my ring finger in his face.

"One day," he presses a kiss on my temple. "Are we salvaging this?"

"We'll eat in the living room."

"A true Bender and Cara household party." We continue preparing the food, Liam stealing a kiss or two any time our paths cross in the kitchen.

"Dane with me," he extends a hand as I pull the buns out of the oven. I raise my eyebrow at him. "We still have thirty minutes before everyone comes! Plus, it's everyone, if we aren't fully ready when they come they won't care." I sigh, taking his hand. He whisks me close to him, and we sway and dance to the music for a few minutes. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear as he stares at me. Over a year, and that look hasn't faltered. I lean up and kiss his chin, and he leans down so our lips meet. We get lost in the music, and are only snapped out of our dancing trance when we smell smoke.

I forgot I had put two trays of rolls in and only pulled one tray out, so we quickly clear the smoke and pull the burnt rolls out of the oven. Liam laughs and I throw one at him. "This is your fault!"

He smirks, stalking close to me. "I think I'm okay with taking the blame for this one," he says before kissing me sweetly. I forget about the rolls pretty quickly.

Everyone arrives, and settles in on our large, long sectional.

"Hi Piper!" Lilly smiles, about to bend down to pet her when I rush over.

"No bending over."
"I'm fine," Lilly lets out an annoyed sigh. "Between you and Thomas, I'm never going to be free."

"Well, I don't want anything happening to my goddaughter."

"How are you feeling?" Liam asks, walking over and placing a hand on my back, which I lean into on instinct.

"Just the usual pregnancy stuff, cravings, cramps, back pain, swollen ankles."

"How lovely," I deadpan.

"You're next," she points to me threateningly.

"Well, I need financial stability before that happens," I throw Liam a look.

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