[12] Study Break

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Fuck Business Ethics. Seriously. My only hard class of the semester, and it has me inside studying on a night when the house is completely empty. Marcus dragged the girls (and Thomas and Violet's new girlfriend, Sarah), to Lix's house. I was invited, but had to decline, because fuck Business Ethics. This paper is due on a Sunday. What type of psycho professor assigns a paper due on a Sunday? Mine apparently.

The house is dead silent. I can't study in silence. I hook up my Spotify to the house's speakers and put on my favorite study playlist, strictly classical music. But it's not working, I still can't focus. 80s hits it is.

I'm 10 pages into this 12 page essay, making much better progress than I expected. As I'm finishing my 10th page, there's a knock on the door. I pry myself out of my chair that I haven't moved from in 5 hours and open the door. Liam is standing at my door. Why. On. Earth.

"Study break!" He smiles, a bouquet of irises in his left hand and a box of Fruit Loops in his right hand.

"I think it's confirmed now, you are definitely stalking me," I look him up and down, judging he probably just came from the guys' house.

"I assumed you felt like a loser being the only one not at Lix's house so I brought over some snacks and figured I'd show you how much fun we're having."

"Well if you're gonna make me feel like a loser, can you just come inside instead of making me stand at the cold ass door?" He kicks his shoes off and stands awkwardly in the living room. "You've been here before, make yourself comfortable," I roll my eyes. I take the flowers and Fruit Loops from his hands and move to the kitchen. Grabbing a vase, I fill it with water and put the flowers in. I reach into the fridge and grab the milk, making two bowls of cereal. "The flowers were a little extra, though."

"Well, I saw irises and was like 'Hey! That's her name!'"

"Never heard that one before,' " I say, handing him a bowl and sitting on the couch.

"Not going for originality," he clicks his tongue. "So what's with all the studying?"

"Business Ethics," I groan.


"You can say that again."


"Not actually, dipshit," I roll my eyes. "What about you? Why no studying? Using basketball to get you through college, surely you have to pass."

"Oh I study, just not when people are over. I can't focus. I need dead silence."

"I'm so the opposite!"
"Is that why there's 80s music playing through this house?"

"Alright, enough with the attitude pretty boy. I can kick you out whenever I please." He puts his hands up to mockingly surrender. "So what major? If you study, what's so hard?"

"Pre-law." I choke on my cereal.

"You, pre-law?"

"Yes, is that hard to believe?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"Well I mean you're just so, you. I would've seen you as some Sports Management guy."

"Sorry to disappoint," he rolls his eyes. I set my finished cereal bowl next to his on the coffee table, and bring my knees to my chin. "I enjoy trials, debating, and making claims based on evidence. I think there's a lot of people in this world that aren't represented correctly with our fucked justice system, and I want to help fix that."

"Wow, you're just a regular old Robin Hood."

"Robin Hood has literally no correlation. Steal from the rich and give to the poor? I just talked about being a lawyer."

"It so does! You want to help fix our fucked justice system, which means giving less power to the rich guys, and uplifting the poor people that can't afford a lawyer that can really help, am I wrong?"

"Not technically. I just don't think you're right."

"That's 'cause you don't like me," I say, clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth. He sighs and turns to face the TV. I feel my eyes grow heavy. I haven't slept in 20 hours, I'm exhausted. "I think you should go."

"Please, don't tell me you're mad that I don't agree with you on this," he scoffs.

"No, I'm just super tired. I've been writing this paper for the past 5 hours, not to mention I started it last night around this time, and never went to bed. I'm living on three cups of coffee and now, a bowl of cereal, thanks for that by the way." Boom. Everything goes dark. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I feel bad I didn't post a chapter on Thursday but I was out until 2 A.M. so I didn't have any time to, so here's 2 today! 

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