8. I Want It🔞🔞

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Y/N: " Woogie ah..."
Yuqi was still rubbing her body against Y/N's and she didn't really hear Y/N calling her.

"I have to stop this."

Y/N: " Woogie...!"
Yuqi: "*Gasp* YES Oppa?? What happened ???"
Y/N: " Looks like you were distracted, are you okay?"
Yuqi: " I don't know Oppa... for some reason... rubbing gently against your body made me feel hot from inside my body..."
Y/N: " Uhhh..."

Yuqi: " Oppa is that the feeling of... aroused...?"
Y/N: " I... yeah..."
Yuqi: " Makes me feel like I desire some sexual attention... Oppa..."
Y/N: " Calm down Woogie, I can't help you with that right now..."
Yuqi: " I know but... just a short while please...?"

Y/N shake his head: " If you were a year older at a legal age, I would have accepted, but now you are not... I'm afraid I have to let you be..."
Disappointment yet again appeared on Yuqi's face but she knows it too the reason Y/N is rejecting it's for both of their own good.

Yuqi then thought of something with her smart brain.
Yuqi: " Let's sleep Oppa..."
Y/N: " You calm down already?"
Yuqi: "Mmhm."
Y/N: " Okay."
Yuqi hugged Y/N's arm and placed her hand on his chest.

She watch Y/N with her big round eyes waiting patiently for him to fall asleep.
About 30minutes later,

Yuqi: " Oppa...?" She whispered.
Yuqi: "Oppa~...?" A little louder.

Confirming that Y/N wouldn't be waking up easily, Yuqi shifted herself accordingly.
She moved herself and guide Y/N's arm around her back as she continues to face Y/N.

She gently bend Y/N's wrist and guided his hand towards her chest.

She couldn't forget the feeling that day when she did the same after guiding Y/N's hand on her boobs.
She quietly and gently making sure not to wake Y/N up and begin squeezing her boobs with Y/N's hand.

Yuqi thought " awww... god.... This feels so good... I want more..." the more she thinks, the harder she squeeze her boobs with Y/N's hand. For someone feeling it the first time, she's enjoying a lot.
She gets greedy as time goes by, she could feel herself getting wet.

From Y/N's point of view, he was somewhat woken a little by the movements but didn't really bother much, all he could remember was one of his hand squeezing something firm and round with a pointy part.

Yuqi became more greedy as she unbuttons her pyjamas, she guided Y/N's hand to her bare exposed boobs.
Yuqi thought to herself " My boobs aren't that big... I heard somewhere that if you have someone massage for you... it will grow bigger and I don't know looks better from the outside too...? I don't care now I love the feeling... now that his hand is on my bare boobs... owhhhhh....~"

Yuqi squeezed Y/N's hand against her bare boobs massaging herself. At this point, she was losing control of herself.

Y/N was finally woken up by all the movements,
Yuqi realises it and quickly gently pushed Y/N's hand away and lay very still as if she was sleeping.
But she forget she have her pyjamas left unbuttoned.
Yuqi thought "please don't be suspicious about me... I'm just hot I didn't do anything..."

Y/N look to his side and saw Yuqi with her pyjamas too unbuttoned.
Y/N: "You are gonna catch a cold like this." Without paying attention to her bare boobs at all even though it was in his sight, he buttoned up her pyjamas and went back to sleep making sure to cover up her body with the blanket.

Yuqi was very touched, she has lost all sexual tension and excitement she has, she turned and hugged Y/N tightly.

Yuqi: " I'm sorry Oppa..."
Y/N: " It's fine, don't catch a cold. You have more schedules tomorrow."
Yuqi teared a little bit just because Y/N's kind action.
"Oppa is so kind... I used him for my own desire and he didn't even spoke a single word... this feeling...is this what love... feels like...?"

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