53. Lipstick🔞🔞 💄 💄

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"Am I suppose to follow her and go in there too...?"

Y/N slowly walk towards the bathroom and stopped outside.
It didn't take long until water droplets sound could be heard which means Soojin started showering.

"Nah... let's not disrespect...  not my way..."

Awhile later,

Soojin: " Oppa~." Came her voice from the bathroom.
Y/N: " Yea??"
Soojin: " Can you past me a towel? I forget to take~."
Y/N: " Aight."

Y/N went to Soojin's room and grab her towel and went to the bathroom.

*Knock knock*
He knocked on the door but to his realisation, the door was already open, more like left open the entire time.
"Hmm... maybe I should've went in."

Y/N: " Here you go."
Soojin's hand reached out and instead of grabbing the towel, she grab onto Y/N's arm. She pull Y/N into the bathroom and closed the bathroom door.

Y/N: " Uhm... Ahem..."
Soojin: " Come on Oppa, why are you acting so innocent now as if you've never seen my naked body before."
Y/N: " Uh yeah... I... uh... haha... mm..."

Soojin push Y/N against the bathroom door and went really close to him.
Soojin: " Oppa~ look at me~."
Y/N: " Mmm..."

A beautiful sight indeed.

Soojin: " Don't worry, our date has yet to begin." She smiled and took the towel from Y/N.

Y/N for some reason was a little nervous as he let out his breath.
Soojin giggled: " Oppa, you seemed nervous."
Y/N: " Mmm... no idea..."

Soojin dried herself and put on a comfy outfit.
Y/N: " Can... can I go out first?"
Soojin: " Go ahead hehe."

Y/N then left the bathroom and quickly sit down at the sofa.
"Why am I... suddenly nervous with Soojin...? What's wrong with me...?"

Short while later, Soojin came out. She went towards Y/N and sat down cuddling with him.

Soojin: " Oppa are you okay?"
Y/N: " Uh yeah!"
Soojin: " You look different from your usual self."
Y/N: " Mmm, I'll try my best. So where do you wanna go later?"
Soojin: " Mmm, I don't have much ideas yet."
Y/N: " I have an idea. I wanted to prove something."
Soojin: " Which is?"

Y/N: " Since debut, I've noticed. You look amazing and special when you have nice red lipstick on and so, what I'm planning is, I want to bring you to test out some nice lipstick for yourself to use and if you like you can just buy it for yourself."
Soojin: " Wow! Really? Can we go can we go?" She tapped Y/N's arm.
Y/N: " Hahahaha, sure let's go if you are eager to."

Soojin: " Okay! Let me prepare myself a little bit."
Y/N: " Aight."

Soojin rush into her room and changed.

Very quickly she came out.

Very quickly she came out

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