The Body

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(This is also a mix of the Flea and The Acrobat)

El and I were sitting in the basement while Mike was looking at drawings. El handed me a walkie talkie and so I fiddled with it.

The radio made noise which seemed to annoy Mike. "Can you please stop it." I ignored his request and continued to change the channels. "Are you deaf?" Mike sounded annoyed.

"I thought we were friends, you know but friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay! That he was still out there...but he wasn't! He wasn't!" I felt bad for him. "Maybe you guys thought you were helping but you weren't. You two hurt me." Mike continued. "Do you guys understand?" El had tears in her eyes. "What you did sucks...Lucas was right about you all along." Mike said before going back to the drawings. I looked back down and continued to fiddle.

The noise of the radio changing channels took over the room before going silent.

"Come on and let me know..." We heard a boys voice singing. "Should I stay or should I go?" Mike looked up at me and I looked at him blood dripping down my nose. "Should I stay or should I go now?" Mike ran over to the fort. "If I go there will be trouble...if I stay there will be double." I handed the walkie to Mike.

"Will? It's Mike do you copy? Over." Mike spoke into the walkie. "Will are you there? Will." Static sound filled the room. Mike looked at us. "Was that?" "Will." I finished for him.


The next morning Lucas,Dustin and Mike where sitting on the ground with El trying to get a signal. They came up with a plan to take El to their school so they could talk to Will again. "What about y/n?" Dustin asked. "She can stay here." Mike said looking at me. "You'll stay here okay?" I simply nodded. Dustin and Lucas grabbed a dress and a wig and ran upstairs after Mike and El.

About and hour had passed and I was starting to get bored so I went upstairs. I went up to a room and looked in the closet. I took a pair of pants and a shirt and found some convers luckily they fit. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, my hair was still buzz cut. I walked downstairs and opened the front door and started walking not too sure where I was going.

I had walked for about 20 minutes and ended up in town. I walked passed a lady who had a car following her. The boy in the car got out and ran after her. He wore a black denim jacket with a sweater underneath. He started yelling at her about something. "We have to deal with this mom! We have to deal with the funeral!" His voice cracked. "A funeral...For what? That thing back there?!" She was angry. I walked off, "So let me get this straight. Will, that's not his body because hes in the lights right?!" I stopped in my tracks and spun around at the sound of the name. The lady walked passed me, she looked like she hadn't slept in days. I started to follow her.

I followed her until she stopped at a house, the one El had taken us to. I stood far away but close enough to hear her. She went inside for a moment before running outside and screaming "WILL!" She went towards a wall, then ran back inside. Next thing I Knew I saw the wall breaking. The lady stood there looking through the hole. She looked at me and I ran.

I found myself in a forest I was lost. I walked for a while before I found a tree with red goo on it. I went forward and touched it, suddenly I was pulled in and had fallen to the ground. I looked around. The place was gloomy and dark. Red lightning filled the sky causing me to jump. I started getting flashbacks of the lab, the gate.

I heard a growl behind me so I started running. I eventually found cover behind a tree. I don't know how much time had passed but I was feeling hungry. About a minute later I saw a light holding that light was a girl. She looked familiar. She had her hair in a ponytail and wore a brown jacket.

She seemed to stop and walk backwards, I heard a growl and she screamed. 'JONATHAN!" She ran. I quickly ran after her it was hard to keep up but I could hear her screaming a name. I saw a monster stand in front of her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind a tree. She looked at me and I put a finger over my lips. I heard a voice, "Nancy follow my voice!" I saw a tree with the same goo around it. I pulled the girl towards the tree. She stuck her hand through and got pulled through. Before she was all the way through she grabbed my hand and pulled me through too.

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