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(Also a mix of Trick or Treat Freak)

I Sighed as I wrote 'Love y/n' and '(Day: 342)' I took the paper and put it in my draw with the others.

Will ran into my room and asked if I had any quarters. "Let me see." I opened a tin on my desk. I made some money mowing peoples lawn. "Here." I said as I gave him 4 quarters. "Maybe check the couch." I added patting his back. "Thank you!" He gave me a slight hug and ran off.


The next morning Jonathan ran into my room. "Get up! We're going to be late!" He said shaking me. "No..." I groaned. He pulled me up and dragged me out of bed. "OW! JEEZ OKAY!" I said getting up. Jonathan left and I got changed. I grabbed a snack and got into the car. "Took you long enough." Jonathan Said as Will giggled. "Yeah, yeah can we go now?"

Will got out of the car and walked towards the middle school. "Bye Will!" I said waving. He gave me a small smile before meeting up with his friends.

Jonathan and I stayed in the car for a bit. "Meet at lunch?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. I was about to exit the car when a blue Chevrolet Camaro came speeding into the spot next to me.

A boy with a curly dirty blonde mullet got out. He was wearing denim on denim with a cigarette in his mouth. All eyes were of him, and he knew it. He threw the cigarette down and stomped on it.

A girl around Wills age soon exited the car and rode her skateboard to the middle school.

I got out the car as he winked at me and headed towards the school with Jonathan. "Ew." Is said opening my locker. I heard Jonathan chuckle a little bit.


Jonathan and I spotted Nancy so we walked upto her. We walked through the halls, we were stopped by a girl that was handing out orange flyers. She passed one to me and Nancy, offering one to Jonathan but he declined.

Nancy went back and got another, shoving it onto Jonathan's chest. "You're coming." "Come and get sheet faced." I read. "No I'm not." Jonathan said.

"I can't just let you sit alone on Halloween. It's not acceptable." Nancy said. "Y/n will be there, right?" She looked at me. "Well...actually I was going to go trick or treating with Will." I said looking down. "All night?" "Yeah well I've never been."

"Oh come on. Jonathan, y/n you guys should come you know you might meet someone-" She got cut off by Steve coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her before bringing her in for a kiss. "Oh my God take those off you look ridiculous." She said pointing to Steve's sunglasses. "Uh...We'll think about the party." I said. "Great! Steve can even give you a ride!"

Jonathan and I walked off leaving the love birds alone.


The next Morning Bob drove Will to school, so it was just me an Jonathan. "Are you gonna go to the party?" I asked. "Probably." He said. "You?" "Only if you go." I said. He nodded as he parked the car. "Steve might have to give you a ride. I have to drop Will off first."

(Time skip to after school cause nothing interesting happends)

I went home with Nancy to get ready.

Mike had gotten back home soon after with the rest of the gang. "Hey guys! Jonathan should be brining Will over soon...what's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" I asked worried. "Some Jackass in a Blue Chevrolet tried to running us over!" Dustin said.

I saw red. I had an Idea of who it was. "I'm glad you guys are okay." I tried to say calmly. "Y/n!" Nancy called from upstairs.

"Yeah?" I said running up. "Who are you going as?" She asked. "Not sure...I haven't seen a lot of movies." She threw me a black leather jacket and some black pants. " you're sandy from grease." I giggled. We finished getting ready as we heard a car pull up to the house. We rushed out the house and got in.


We arrived a the party, I got split up from Nancy and Steve so I made my way outside. I saw a bunch of people around a boy. He got up and started yelling. "THATS HOW YOU DO IT HAWKINS!" while everyone was chanting his name. I walked inside and made my way to a corner. I saw the boy approaching Nancy and Steve.

I wish Jonathan was here. I said to myself. I saw Nancy walk towards the kitchen while Billy and Steve "chatted"

Steve followed Nancy soon after. He seemed to be pulling her away from the drinks. Before I knew it I saw Nancy covered in punch as she rushed to the bathroom with Steve following her.

I turned around and saw Jonathan, I ran up to him. "Jonathan!" I said. "Hey y/n!" "Can we please go?" I asked. "Yeah su-" He got cut off by an angry Steve shoving him out the way. I looked at him then back at Jonathan. "Actually maybe you should check on Nancy I'll see what's up with Steve." I shouted over the loud music. He nodded. Nancy and I were close but I felt she would feel better with Jonathan.

I walked out the front door and ran to Steve's car. "Hey! Wait up!" He ignored me and searched his pockets for his keys. He got them out but dropped them. "Hey!" I said catching up. "WHAT Y/N!?" He snapped at me. I was taken back, memories of the lab and Brenner flooded my mind. "I- I'm sorry." Steve said as he noticed the fear in my eyes.

I snapped back to reality. "I- you can't leave me here. You're my ride." I said trying to ignore what just happened.

He Sighed. "Fine. Get in." He said. I got in his car, we sat in silence. I wasn't good with comforting people so I didn't say anything.

He pulled up to my house. "Thanks." I said as I got out. "And I'm sorry about Nancy..." I said giving him a smile of sympathy. He nodded and gave me a smile. "Night y/n."

That was probably the longest conversation I've have with Steve.

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