The Upside Down

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She helped me up. "I'll be right back. let me tell El." I said before walking off. I walked into the gym and saw El sitting on a bench. "El?" I said as I walked up to her. "I'm going to Help Nancy and Jonathan, Okay? I'll be back before you know it." I said. She nodded and I hugged her before going outside and meeting up with Nancy.

We arrived a the Byers home after going to the police station. We got our gear out from the boot and headed inside to prepare. I poured gas around the hall before grabbing a red axe to sharpen it.

We then stood in a circle holding knives to our palms. "On three." Jonathan Said and we nodded in response. "One...Two..You don't have to do this." He said. "Three Nancy Ignored him and we cut out palms. Nancy and Jonathan helped each other bandage their hands up. I was in the bathroom Washing the blood off before wrapping the bandage on.

I rushed into the living room because I heard banging. Nancy was at the door talking to someone. I walked up to Jonathan, "Mouth Breather?" I asked. "Uhh...Yeah you could say that." He looked down at me.

Before we knew it a boy with fluffy brown hair and a beat up face barged in. Jonathan Pushed him back. "Look man you need to get out of here!" He said. The boy looked around. "What is that smell? Is that gasoline?" He was freaking out. "Steve! Get out!" Nancy pointed the gun at the boy Who I assumed was Steve and turned off the safety. "Wait! What?! What is going on!?" He was nervous. The lights start to flicker and I look over to Jonathan.

"Nancy." He says. "Three...Two..." Nancy counted down. "No, no, no,No!" The boy with the beat up  face said. "NANCY!" I yelled. She turned around. Jonathan grabbed his bat and I grabbed the axe. We stood in a circle while Steve begged us to tell him what was happening.

The roof broke and a monster started crawling out of it. Nancy shot at it while Jonathan grabbed her hand and started running towards Will's room. I followed quickly behind grabbing Steve by the wrist and pulling him along.

"Mind the trap!" I said jumping over it. Steve ran into Will's room screaming. I slammed the door shut behind him. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Steve freaked out. "Shut up!" The three of us said turning to the door.


We left Will's room only to find the monster had disappeared. Jonathan and I were checking our surrounding while Nancy and Steve were yelling at each other. I saw Steve run out before the lights started to flicker again.

We were in a circle waiting for the thing. Jonathan turned to Nancy. "Do you see it?" "Behind you!" She yelled as it tackled him. I swung the axe at it. It turned to me and pounced pushing to the ground. I closed my eyes accepting my fate. I felt the pressure lift off my chest, I opened my eyes to see Steve throwing the thing against the wall with a bat. "It's in the trap!" He yelled. I got up and grabbed the lighter. I turned it on before throwing it toward the creature. 

The flame grew bigger the heat was so strong. Jonathan grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out as we all coughed. There was nothing left in the trap except some sizzling goop.

I look over at Steve. "Thanks for saving me mouth breather." I say before walking towards the living room

"Mouth breather?" He said to no one in particular.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up as I looked at the hole in the roof. Something was wrong. "El..." I said. "What?" Jonathan asked. "We need to get back to the school!" I said as I rushed out the house the other three following close behind. I go into Jonathan's car while he started it and drove off.


We arrived at the school to find firetrucks and police vehicles surrounding it. I spotted the boys in the distance and ran towards them.

"Where's El?" I asked kneeling down by the three of them. Mike's face dropped. He stared at his feet. "She..." Mike stuttered. "She...disappeared." He said. "What?" "She disintegrated a Demegorgan and then we couldn't find her." Dustin said. I sat down on my knees trying to take in the information. If only I had been there with them. I thought to myself. I probably couldn't have done anything anyways, I was useless.


I sat in the waiting area with the "party" as they called it, the boys sat next to me. Dustin's head layed on my lap while Lucas's head was on my left shoulder. Joyce and Hopper had brought Will back. I was happy for them but I felt empty without El. I didn't know whether or not she was dead but I hoped she wasn't God I hoped she was alive. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a snoring Lucas. I looked down at him and smiled.

A few minutes later Jonathan came in telling us that Will was awake. I shook the two boys awake. I sat there and watched them leave. "Aren't you coming?" Joyce had walked in. "I don't know...I feel like it's a friend's and family thing." She looked at me for a second. "Well...You are family." She sat down next to me and took my hand in hers. "You need a place to stay right? Well we have a spair bedroom..." Joyce smiled at me. I was stunned. I felt safe with Joyce. "I mean if it's okay with you...I would love too." She pulled me into a hug before standing up and pulling me to Will's room. I walked in while the boys walked out. "HI...I'm y/n." I said awkwardly. "She'll be staying with us for awhile." Joyce smiled. "I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY DND!" Will got excited. I giggled and nodded. "I can't wait."

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