The Mind Flayer

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Steve re-entered the bus and kneeled down in front of me. I stared into his eyes, he had beautiful brown eyes, they looked mesmerizing. God I could look at them forever.

I saw Steve pull up his sleeve into his hand, he moved it towards my face which caught me off guard so I flinched. "Sorry. You have some blood on your nose." He said. I gave him a weak smile.

Steve helped me up and placed my hand on his shoulder while he placed his hand over my waist.

We started walking, "I knew you had powers!" Dustin was excited. "So you could've lifted that millennium Falcon!"

"What's he talking about?" Steve asked, "So remember that night we met...when I had a shaved head?" I asked. "Yeah...I thought you were just trying to look cool or something" Steve remembered. "Well...Awhile before that I escaped this lab with another girl and we were found by Dustin, Lucas and Mike." "Wait, what? What kind of lab?" Steve was super confused. "It was this lab that did experiments on kids." I said. "I was the first kid to be experimented on, so I was dubbed 'zero', it worked for about a week but then I lost my powers." I added. "Zero?" Steve asked. "That's her real name." Dustin said. "Yeah and then Dustin named me y/n." I added.

Steve looked confused, I stopped walking and let go of Steve to pull up my sleeve. As I pulled it up it revealed a '000' tattoo on my wrist. Steve stared at it before staring at me.

The kids had kept walking, so I went to catch up with them Steve following close behind. "You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas asked. "Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt." "He was tiny two days ago." Max interjected. "Well, he's molted three times already." "Malted?" Steve asked "Molted." I corrected Steve.

"Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms." Dustin said. "When's he gonna molt again?" Max asked. "It's gotta be soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it. And so will his friends." Dustin explained.

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats." Steve joked. "Wait, a cat Dart ate a cat?" "No, what? No." Dustin panicked. "What are you talking about? He ate Mews." Steve was oblivious.

"Mews? Who's Mews?" Max asked. "It's Dustin's cat." I explained.

"Steve! Y/n!" Dustin yelled at us.

The boys started to yell at each other, max soon joined in. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I heard a growl. I looked over to Steve to see if he heard it too, when I looked at him he was already looking at me. "Guys..." Steve said trying to get the kids attention. "GUYS!" I snapped. They all looked at me before hearing a growl.

I started walking towards it, I stopped at the edge hearing footsteps behind me. Lucas looked through his Binoculars. "The lab." My eyes widened at his words. "They were going home." Lucas said. "We have to get down there." Steve said. "What? No, hell no!" I protested.

"Steve walked towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "It'll be okay. You have me." He said. I could stand with him forever. "Fine." I said and we started walking down.


We started getting close, "Hello? Who's there!" I heard a familiar voice yell. We got out of the woods, in front of us stood Nancy and Jonathan. "Steve? Y/n?" They both asked. "Nancy?" Steve asked. "Jonathan!" I said running to him and giving him a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy asked. "What are YOU doing here?" Steve shot back. "Looking for Mike and Will." She responded. "They're not in there are they?" Dustin nodded toward the lab.

Seeing it up close gave me shivers, I didn't like it at all. I was pulled out of my thoughts from screeching noises.

We all looked over to the lab, everyone started chatting before Nancy made her way to the gate. "Powers back." She said.   Jonathan rushed over to the control panel, clicking the 'open' button over and over again.

"Let me try." Dustin said going into the booth. "Let me try Jonathan!" He said shoving him aside.

I Sighed as Dustin clicked the button over and over. I walked toward the gate, dark red mist surrounded my hand. I flicked my wrist and the gate opened.

"Woah,woah. Since- how?" Jonathan looked at me. "Long story." I responded. Jonathan and Nancy hopped in to Jonathan's car and drove up the driveway.

A few moments later we heard tires screeching. "Guys.." Max said going toward the open gate. I peaked my head towards it seeing two cars speed down the driveway. "Out the way!" I said pulling her back.

A car stopped in front of us. 'Sheriff' the side of the car read. "Get in!" Hopper yelled at us opening the door. The kids climbed I'm then me then Steve.

I was squished in between Lucas and Max, The Sheriff followed Jonathan's car.

I felt weird, it wasn't like in the junkyard. It was different, I wasn't in control...

I closed my eyes hoping the feeling would go away but when I opened them I was sitting on white tile. I looked around and saw doors that had numbers on them. I got up and started walking. 001,002...and so on. I got to the end of the hallway, I stood in front of a door labeled '000'.

I heard a clock from behind me. I turned around I just saw an endless hallway, when I turned back the door was gone and so were the walls, I felt uneasy...I was horrified. I started walking backwards processing what was happening when suddenly I felt like I was falling...I kept bracing myself for impact but never hit the ground.

I opened my eyes taking small breathes. I looked around to see everyone getting out the car. I looked at my hands, "You okay?" I looked up to see Steve offering my a hand. "Yeah I'm fine." I said taking his hand and giving him a small smile.

We all went inside, I went over to Joyce who was walking towards her room and followed her in closing the door behind me. "Joyce...are you okay?" I asked, she looked down then at me. I saw tear stains on her face, I walked over and hugged her. I didn't say anything, we stayed like that for a moment before Joyce pulled away and sat down on her bed. "Bob...he's gone." She muttered out, tears forming in her eyes. I pulled her into another hug.

Bob was a really nice guy and he made Joyce happy, I felt bad to say the least.

I heard a soft knock on the door before it opened. Hopper entered and I took that as a sign to leave.

I walked out closing the door behind me.

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