The Sauna Test

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I woke up and felt hot breath on my neck, I slowly got up trying not to wake Steve when I got yanked back down. "Stay." He groaned. "Steve, we have to get to Scoops." I said, he groaned in response.

"Do you have a spare towel?" I asked wanting to shower. "Yeah it's the light blue one in the bathroom." I nodded and went to his cupboard in search for some clothes.

I managed to find a pair of pants I had left and a shirt that Steve let me borrow once.

I got in the shower and let the hot water hit me, I felt relieved. I got out and got changed.

"Hey Steve-" I said walking into the kitchen. "Yeah?" He turned around, I noticed he was wearing a 'Kiss The Chef' apron. "What is that?" I asked pointing to his chest. "What? You don't like it?" I giggled and sat down.

"Here." Steve said placing down a plate of pancakes. "Woah, you can cook?" I said sarcastically. "I'm the whole package y/n." Steve replied gesturing to himself.

Steve left to go shower and I finished my food. Once we were ready we left for the mall.


We arrived at Scoops Ahoy and got to work. "Those guards use a key card to get into the storage unit, we need that key card however the gaurd that has the key card also has a massive gun. Whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anyone finding it." Dustin explained to us. "There's gotta be a way in right?" Robin asked.

"Well you know, I could take him out." Steve said. "Take who out? The Russian guard?" Robin asked leaning back in her chair. "Yeah, sneak behind him and knock him out. It's that easy." Steve stated placing his hat on the table. "Did you not hear the part about the massive guns?" Dustin asked. "Yeah I did Dustin, that's why I would be sneaking." Steve defended.

"Or I could just use-" I was cut off by Robin. "I know what could work." Robin said running to the front and grabbing the tip money. "What are you doing?" Steve asked. "I need money!" "Yeah? Well half of that's mine!" Steve protested. "I'm going to find a way into that room! A safe way! Sling ice cream in the meantime and don't get beat up!" Robin said running off.


Robin came running into the breakroom, placing down a paper. "The compete blueprints of Starcourt Mall." Robin said. "Not bad." Dustin's eyes lit up. "This is Scoops and this is where we want to be." Robin said pointing to places on the blue prints. "I mean I don't really see a way in." Steve stated. "There's not, if you're talking exclusively about door." Robin said revealing a second paper. "Air ducts." I said. "Exactly." Robin went over to the whiteboard to grab a marker. "Turns out this secret room needs air like any other room, and these air ducts can lead us straight there." Robin said drawing a line on the blueprints. we looked up at the vent.

Steve got a ladder and set it up by the airduct before climbing up. He opened it and looked inside. "Torch." Steve said holding out his hand. Dustin gave it to him, he turned it on and looked inside again. "Yeah, I don't know if you can fit in here it's , like super tight." Steve said turning back to Dustin. "I'll fit, trust me no collar bones remember?" Dustin said climbing up the ladder. "Uh, excuse me?" Robin asked. "Oh, he's got this disease called cyro- cyro- uh I don't know what its called." Steve said. "Its a condition called, cleidocranial dysplasia." I corrected. "Yeah that, He's missing bones and stuff. It makes him bend like Gumbo." "Gumby." I corrected. "I'm pretty sure its Gumbo." Steve defended.

"Steve, just shut up and push me!" Dustin said in the vent. "Not my feet dumbass! Push my ass." Dustin said. "What?" Steve sounded confused. "Touch my ass I don't care!" Dustin yelled. They started arguing again.

"Ahoy sailors, all hands on deck! Ahoy! Get over here and serve me some samples!" Robin and I heard Erica say. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked Robin and she nodded in response.


We lead Erica into the back and explained to her some fake story. She climbed the ladder and looked into the air duct. "Yeah, I don't know." She said jumping down. "You don't know if you can fit?" Steve asked. "Oh, I can fit. I just don't know if I want to." Erica said leaning against the table. "Are you claustrophobic?" Robin asked "I don't have phobias." Erica snapped back. "Okay, well, what's the problem?" I asked crossing my arms. "The problem is,I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica." She said using her hands.


We sat at a booth giving Erica all the ice cream she could possibly want, Steve slid a sundae towards her. "More fudge, please." She said sliding it back. "Go on." She nodded to Robin who was explaining what she needed to do. "All right. You see this? This is the route you're gonna take. Then we just wait till the last delivery goes out tonight. Then you knock out the grate, jump down, open the door." "Then you find out what's in those boxes?" Erica said eating a cherry. "Exactly."

"Mm-hmm. And you say this guard is armed." "Yes, but he won't be there." Dustin reassured her. "And booby traps?" Erica asked. "Booby traps?" I asked back. "Lasers, spikes in the wall?"
"What?" I was confused.

"You know what this half-baked plan
of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment." Erica stated. "We'll be in radio contact with you the whole time-" Robin began. "Ah, ah, ah! Child endangerment." Erica cut her off.

"Erica? Hi. Uh...We think these Russians
want to do harm to our country. Great harm. Don't you love your country?" Dustin asked. "You can't spell "America" without 'Erica' ." Erica responded.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Oddly, that's, uh, totally true. So, so, don't do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man. Do this for America... Erica." Dustin finished his speech. "Ooh! I just got the chills. Oh, yeah, from this float, not your speech." Erica said slurping the last of her drink.

"Know what I love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is? It means this is a free market system. Which means people get paid for their services, depending on how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. So, you want my help? This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many.
And I'm talking free ice cream for life." She emphasized the 'For life' part.


We agreed, she got her gear and got ready to climb into the vent while the rest of us waited on the roof. Robin and Steve spoke to her through a walkie while Dustin and I watched the door. "We're I'm position. You have the green light." I heard Robin say. I heard Erica say something and called us nerds.

A few moments later the two doors swung open, Erica stood there. "Free Ice cream for life!" She yelled at us. We hurried down to the dock and went inside the room.

We all stood around a box as Steve opened it. "That doesn't look like Chinese food." He said. "Everyone stand back." Steve looked at us, Robin,Erica and I were more than happy to. "Dustin stand back." "No." "Stand back." "No! If you die I die!" Dustin protested. "Just open the thing!" I yelled.

Steve twisted the top, I heard it click and pressure released. Steve pulled out a tube with a green substance in it. "What is that?" Robin asked. I was about to respond when the room started to shake. "Was that just me, or did the room move?" I asked. "Booby traps." Erica muttered.

"You know what? Let's just grab that and go." Robin said grabbing the tube. Dustin went over to the control panel. "Which one do I press Erica?" "Just press the damn button nerd." "I'm pressing the button okay?" Dusitn defended.

Steve joined in, soon everyone was yelling. "Just open the door!" I yelled. A metal door came sliding closed, "That's the opposite of what I said dingus!" I stated.

The room began to fall really fast.

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