The Flayed

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(Here he is, meet goose yall)
Anyways back to the story

Everyone was screaming, Dustin and Steve began to press the buttons. "We're going down! We're going down!" Steve yelled. "Yeah no shit Harrington!" I yelled back. I moved to the middle of the elevator.

"Hold onto something!" I yelled at everyone. "Oh Jeez never thought of that!" Dustin yelled. "Just hold on dipship!"

I stood still staying focused, which wasn't easy with all the screaming. I felt energy pass through my veins. "What is she doing!?" Robin yelled.

My hands glowed a dark red so did my eyes. My hair started to float. Red mist surrounded the room. I used all my strength to slow the elevator down. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" Robin yelled.

The elevator came to a halt causing everyone to stumble. I looked around to see if everyone was okay. I felt light headed. "Dustin! Get this off me!" Was the last thing I heard before I hit the ground.

*Steve's POV*

Dustin helped get the box off me, "y/n!" I rushed over to her. "Is everyone okay?" Robin asked. "Yeah, I'm fine now that know Russians can't design elevators!" I yelled moving y/n near a wall. Dustin started pressing buttons. "You need a key card for that, it's an electronic lock. Just like the door. If we don't have a key card we can't use it, meaning we're stuck I here."

"Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be at my friend Tina's tonight and Tina always covers for me, but if I'm not home for uncle Jack's party tomorrow and if my mom finds out you guys are responsible she will hunt you down one by on and slit your throats." Erica ranted. "I don't care about Tina or uncle Jack's party! You're mom won't be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!" I yelled back.

"Hey, what if we climbed out?" Dustin said pointing towards a hatch on the roof.

Dustin and I climbed onto the roof of the elevator. "What were you saying about climbing?" I said looking up into a dark void. "Y/n, could fly out." Dustin stated. "Yeah, well she needs her rest."

*Y/n POV*

I woke up feeling like hell, I felt a hand on me. I groaned as I slowly got up. I looked around to see everyone asleep. "Hey, you feeling okay?" I heard Steve whisper. "I think so. What's happening?" I whispered back. "We're stuck in here so we need to figure out how to get out of here." Steve explained. I nodded in response, "Are you okay?" I said looking up at him I noticed a bruise on his face." "Never been better." He responded. I put my head on his shoulder and drifted back to sleep.


I woke up to find Steve gone, I got up and stretched. Erica was banging the tube against a metal container. "Hey! Careful!" I said running over. "We don't even know what it is." I said grabbing it. "Exactly, it could be useful." Erica protested. "Useful how?" Robin asked. "We can survive along time down here without food but if the human body doesn't get water it will die." Erica explained. "I hate to break it to you but this is not water." I said. "No, but it's a liquid, and of it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst i drink." Erica defended giving me a smug smirk in the process.

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