Vecna's Curse

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We woke up early in the morning, "Are you sure you have everything?" Joyce asked me. "Yes, I'm very sure." "Okay, have fun. I'll see you in a week." She said kissing my forehead. I smiled and walked out to Argyle's van were everyone was waiting.

We arrived at the airport and found gate 2, to wait for Mike. Luckily my gate wasn't far.

After a few minutes Mike emerged from a crowd of people wearing a hat, sunglasses, a yellow shirt, some flip flops and held a bouquet of flowers.

"Mike!" El waved at him before running over to him, giving him a kiss. The rest of us trailed behind her. "Hey, how are you doing?" Mike said as he awkwardly hugged Will. "What are you wearing?" I asked hugging him. Before he could respond Argyle spoke, "That's a rad shirt what is that? Ocean Pacific?" He asked, "Mike this is my friend Argyle." Jonathan introduced him. "Oh hey." Mike nodded his head before Argyle brought him into a semi hug, "Oh, no no, it's a shitty knock-off, don't sweat it man. I'll get you the good stuff out here." He said pulling away.

"I heard a lot about your sister." Arygle said breaking the silence. I cleared my throat. "I'm going to be late for my flight, I love you guys, It was good seeing you Mike." I said hugging everyone before walking to my gate.


After a three and a half hour flight, I landed in Hawkins. I got my bags and called a taxi and told the driver the address of Steve's house.

"Thank you." I said grabbing my bags and paying the man with money Joyce had given me.

I walked to the front door and knocked before I realized Steve was at work. I looked around before lifting a fake rock, I grabbed the spare key and walked into the house.

I put my stuff down before grabbing a snack from the fridge, I then grabbed my wallet and walked out the house, locking the door and placing the key back in its original spot.

I walked into town, It was nice to be back in all honesty. I walked past the Police department before walking past the store Joyce used to work at.

I eventually made it to the arcade, I remembered all the times the boys asked me for money.

Right next to the arcade was a store called, 'Family Video'. I was so excited to see Steve and Robin. I walked to the door about to open it when I noticed two kids standing behind the counter with Robin, a red head girl and a curly hair boy with a hat. Steve stood on the other side of the counter with his back facing me.

I smiled, Dustin and Max, I said to myself. I pulled the door open, the bell ringing announcing my arrival.

All the chatting from the four stopped as they heard the bell, they turned towards me, Steve simply ignored the bell.

"Y/n?" Robin asked before Steve stood up straight, fixing his vest. "Haha, Robin nice try but I'm not falling for that again-" Steve said as he turned around. "Y/n? Y/n! Oh my God!" He said as he met my eyes. He ran towards me, picking me up and spun me around. "What are you doing here? You aren't suppose to be here till next week!" Steve said placing a kiss on my lips. "I know I thought I'd be a great girlfriend and surprise you." I said kissing him back.

"Ahem..." We heard. "Where's our hugs?" Dustin asked. I chuckled, I walked behind the counter and pulled Dustin into a hug, I ruffled his hair as I pulled away. "My turn." Max said, I smiled as I hugged her. "What are you listening to?" I said looking at her Walkman. "Running up the hill." She responded. "Kate Bush, great choice." I said. "I'm still waiting." Robin said tapping me on the shoulder. I laughed and gave her a tight hug.

After greeting everyone I went back over to Steve, "I feel like I interrupted something." I mentioned. "Oh..." Dustin trailed off. "We sort of have a problem..." Dustin continued. "What?" I asked.

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