E Pluribus Unum

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Dustin, Steve and I looked at each other, "The gate." We all said.

We went back down the stairs, "I don't understand you've seen this before?" Robin asked. "Not exactly." Steve said. "Then what exactly?" "All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin said. "Like really bad." Steve added. "Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin sounded panicked. "And you know about this how?" Robin wanted answers.

"Um Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asked pointing to the spot he was once laying.

Alarms started blaring, "Shit!" Steve yelled as he ran towards the door opening it. He slammed it shut. "Shit!" He said again. "Go, go, go!" He said running towards the door up the stairs. We followed behind. We ran into a room full of scientists. "Go!" I yelled running towards another door. We ran down stairs and made it onto the platform next to the beam. "Holy shit! Holy shit!" Dustin yelled. "This way!" Steve yelled. We ran down more stairs, I saw some guards coming so I used my powers to knock down barrels. We ran into a room and shut the door behind us. Steve and I used our body weight to hold the door.

Erica opened up a part of the floor and crawled in. "Come on let's go!" She said. "Come on!" Dustin said. "Go just get out of here." Steve said struggling to hold the door. "Just go get some help!" I said. "Robin go with them! Keep them safe!" I yelled. She nodded and stood next to Dustin. "I won't forget you!" Dustin yelled. "Just go!" Steve and I yelled. Dustin and Robin crawled in and closed the hatch.

Steve and I got flung into a wall before we had guns pointed at us. We put our hands up in defeat.

We were separated and dragged into rooms. "Who do you work for?" A man asked me. "Oh shit, well I'm actually suppose to be working for a music store right now." I said. The man scoffed and punched me in the face. "That was uncalled for man." I said shaking it off, before getting punched again.

"Who do you work for?" The man asked again. "No one!" I said. "JUST LET US GO WE WONT TELL ANYONE!" I defended. I got punched in the gut. "You shouldn't have done that." I said spitting out blood, the man laughed. I stared at him, his face changed to shock. I flicked my head and he got sent flying across the room. "WITCH!" People started yelling at me as I sent more of their men flying and before I knew it I got injected with something.

"Ouch that hurt you dipshit!" I yelled before my eyes closed.


I woke up in a room tied to a chair, I felt something pressing against my back. "Steve! Steve. Steve wake up. Steve wake up!" I yelled, a man came walking in, he picked Steve's head up and shook his head. "I think your friend need a doctor. Good thing we have the very best doctor." The man said leaning in so our faces were inches apart. The guards started laughing, I spat in the man's face, he wiped it off. "You're going to regret that." He said before standing up and walking out. "Help! Help! Help!" I yelled.

"Hey, would you stop yelling?" I heard Steve say. "Steve! Oh my God....are you okay?" I asked. "My ears are ringing, I can't really breathe, my eye feels like it's going to pop out of my skull, but, you know apart from that, I'm doing pretty good." He explained. "Sorry." I whispered. "Um, so you see that table to your right? No your other right. Yeah okay and you see those scissors?" "Uh-huh." "If we move at the same time, we could get over there and I could kick the scissors into your lap." I explained. "What about your powers?" That's a no go, they injected me with some shit I don't know." I responded. "Oh okay, those morons, they left scissors in here?" Steve asked. "Yeah, morons." We laughed. "Okay so on the count of three we hop." "Okay I got you." "Okay, one...two...three." We hopped and moved. "Okay, that worked. Let's do it again." "One...two...three." We moved again. "Holy shit! This is going to work." I felt happy. "Okay one more time, one...two...three." We hopped but the chair slipped causing us to fall to the ground. "Augh." I grunted as my head hit the ground.

I started to giggle, "It's okay, don't cry." Steve comforted me. "Wait are you laughing? Jesus Christ y/n." Steve sounded annoyed. "I'm sorry! It's just I can't believe I'm going to die in a secret Russian base with Steve "The Hair" Harrington. It's just too tripping, man." I explained. "We're not going to die." Steve stated. "Just give me sometime to think." Steve said.

"I remember fighting that demegorgan at the Byers house, and you were talking to Nancy because you were worried. I asked Jonathan if you were a mouth breather cause El had called some assholes that, and I remember when you saved my life from that thing...I became so obsessed with you. I mean I was so confused as to why women loved you, it just didn't make sense to me...but now it does...I mean if we don't get out of here I just want you to know that I lo-"

I was cut off by the guards storming in. "Where were you two going?" He asked shaking his head. 2 guards picked us up and put us up right.

The guard came over to me, "Try telling the truth this time yes? It will make this a lot less painful." He said stroking my hair. A man in a lab coat and glasses walked over to me, holding some gun with liquid inside. "What, hang on, woah. What is that thing! Don't-" before I could say anything more the man injected me with the blue liquid, I screamed in pain.


"Honestly, I don't really feel anything. What about you?" Steve asked. "I mean, I feel fine. I feel normal." I responded. "Yeah- I feel fine...I kinda feel good." Steve said before we both started laughing. "You wanna know a secret? I like it too!" I said laughing. "Morons they messed up the drugs!" "They messed it up!" I said. "Hey morons!" I yelled. "Somethings wrong with us." I giggled.

Moments later the man and the doctor came in, the doctor laid out some tools as the man stood in front of Steve. "Would now be a good time to tell you, I don't like doctors?" I asked. "Let's try this again,yes?" The man asked.

"Who do you work for?" He asked. "Scoops, Scoops Ahoy." Steve giggled. "How did you find us?" The man asked. "Totally by accident." Steve responded. The doctor walked over with a tool and took Steve's hand. "Wait woah! Woah!" Steve yelled. "A code! There was a code!" I yelled not wanting anything to happen to Steve.

"Code? What code?" The man walked over to me. "The week is long...the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west." I said part of the code. "You broadcast that shit, all over town and we picked it up on our cerebro, and we cracked the code in a day. A day! You think you're so smart but a group of kids, who sling ice cream and do nothing for a living, cracked your code in a day and now people know you're here." I explained. "Who knows were here?" He asked. "Well Dustin knows." Steve spoke. "Hey Steve?" I said trying to stop him. "Yeah, Dustin Henderson, he knows." "Steve!" I yelled. "Where is he?" The man asked. "He's long gone asshole and he's probably calling my dad." I said. "They're going to come in here commando style and kick your asses back to Russia." Steve added. "Is that so?" The man asked. "Yeah." Steve said before everyone started laughing.

Alarms blared and the guards looked shocked. The guards left the room.

Dustin came rushing into the room yelling, he shocked the doctor with a stick and untied us. "Hey Dustin I was just talking about you." Steve said.

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