Suzie, Do You Copy?

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"Y/n..." The raspy voice was back. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled, I was annoyed.

I woke up in a sweat, I got up and took a shower before getting ready. "El! Ready to go?" I asked walking out my room. "Yes!" I heard her respond back. "Come on then. I opened the front door and lead her out, we hopped onto my bike and rode to Dustin's house.

When we arrived I opened the door with my powers, we set up and hid waiting for Dustin.

We heard Dustin and his mom walk in, we waited for him to go to his room. "Now." I said to El who was wearing a blindfold, her nose started to bleed. "Stop." I said seeing Dustin walk past. We snuck up behind him, I gave everyone a party horn. We stood behind Dustin as he checked his toys.

Max counted down with her fingers while Lucas held a sign. We blew our party horns, Dustin jumped and spun around in shock. He yelled spraying Lucas in the eyes with hairspray, causing Lucas to scream and drop the sign clutching his face.

Max lead Lucas to the kitchen to wash his face while the rest of us said hello to Dustin. "Y/n!" He said hugging me. "Dustin!" I said hugging him back. "Where's Steve?" He asked looking up at me. I tensed at the name. "He's at" I said avoiding Dustin's eyes.

Dustin nodded and greeted the rest of his friends.

Later he lead us into his room and showed us some of his inventions. "I call it the forever clock." He said holding up a windmill type device. "Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse." He said handing it to Will. "Then, I give you the slammer." He held up a hammer eith some wires connected to it, he turned it on and it started jiggling. He moved it towards Mike and El who backed away. Dustin giggled. "Pretty neat right?" "Very cool." I said.

"This. This is my masterpiece." He said lifting up a kit bag and placing it on the ground. "I would like you to meet, Cerebro. He said unzipping the bag.

There was a moment of silence before Mike spoke up. "What exactly are we looking at here?" Mike asked. "It's an unassembled one-of-a-kind battery-powered radio tower." Dustin looked happy. "So it's a" Will stated. "The Cadillac of ham radios. This baby carried a crystal-clear connection over fast distances I'm talking North Pole to South. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and where ever I choose." Dustin explained. "Girlfriend?" Everyone said. "Dustin! See what did I tell you!" I said patting him on the back. "I have to go guys, I need to pick some stuff up." I said which was a complete lie. "I can meet you at Starcourt tomorrow." I said hugging Dustin before leaving.

I made my way home but I didn't go in instead I went into the woods. I felt out of control again, I sat down by a tree. And closed my eyes getting ready to hear that voice again. "Y/n..." It said as i felt my surroundings change.

"Y/n...stop hiding..." opening my eyes I didn't respond. I was in a black void "We will meet again." It said. I didn't respond again. "ZERO SAY SOMETHING!" The voice snapped causing me to jump, my breathing picked up. "SAY SOMETHING ZERO....You can't hide forever...TELL EVERYONE WHO YOU REALLY ARE!" the voice got louder. I started hearing footsteps. "SHOW THE TRUE YOU!" I heard it chuckle, the footsteps stopped. "How-" I spoke. "What? How do I know you? Zero...I'm disappointed." It said in a mocking tone  "You don't remember me?" My surroundings changed. I was standing in the lab. Dead bodies laid on the floor, blood splattered on the walls. I felt like throwing up, I ran towards a door and tried to open it. Nothing,I tried to use my powers to blast it open. Nothing, I started banging on the door "LET ME OUT!" I shrieked my voice cracking in the process. Tears blurred my vision. "LET ME OUT!" "Remember what you did?" The voice said. "I didn't do this!" I said turning around tears spilling from my eyes. "oh but you did." The voice responed. "No! No. NO!" I said curling up in a ball. "Look at what YOU did." The voice was right in my ear. I looked to my right, no one was there. "Oh'll know who I am in time..." I got pushed down.

I gasped for air as I fell to the ground clutching my face in my hands crying. I got up and dusted myself off and wiped my tears before running into the cabin. I didn't realize how long I was out, it was dark outside and you could hear the crickets.

I stood in the middle of the cabin, I heard music coming from El's room, I assumed she and Mike were in there.

I heard hoppers curtain open causing me to jump. "Hey you okay kid?" He asked throwing down his cigarette. "Yeah...I'm just tired." I said, "I'm going to go to sleep..." "night kid." Hopper said walking towards El's room.

I opened my bedroom window, and climbed through. I started walking and the walking became running. I made it out of the woods and onto the main street, cold wind blew on my face as I slowed down.

I was on a familiar street,  I walked up to the house only one part of the house had its lights on.

I walked up to a window that light shone through before knocking on it. The curtains opened more before the window slid open.

*Steve's POV *

I sat up after hearing a thud on my window, I walked over and opened my curtains. I looked around to see nothing.  I closed my curtains and went back to bed thinking about how I would talk you y/n.

*y/n POV *

"Jonathan..." I said climbing through. "What are you doing here?" He asked closing the window. I hugged him tight and started to break down. He didn't say anything, instead he hugged me back and rubbed me on the back. It was silent but it was comforting.

After a while Jonathan walked me home, he didn't ask any questions as to why I had cried he simply comforted me and took me home.

I said goodnight to Jonathan before climbing through my window and going to bed.

I miss Steve I said to myself as I fell asleep.

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