The Bathtub

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Mike took El into the bathroom while Dustin and I sat on the couch. He stared at me and looked like he wanted to say something but got cut off by the walkie. "IIS ANYONE THERE? DOES ANYONE COPY?" We heard a muffled voice. Dustin ran over to the table. "MAD HEN." I think that's what he said. Dustin rushed into the bathroom. Mike and El walked out. "THEY NO ABOUT EL!" Lucas yelled. "GET OUT OF THERE!" Mike grabbed the walkie. "Lucas if you can hear us slow down. We can't hear you." "YES I COPY. THEY KNOW ABOUT EL. THE BAD MEN ARE COMING! ALL OF THEM." "Mad hen?" Dustin looked confused. "Bad men.." Mike realized and rushed upstairs.

Mile and Dustin came back panting. "WE NEED TO GO COME ON!" Mike said grabbing us. We ran out the back door. Dustin handed me his bike and we started running. We got on the bike. Mike and I stopped. A man with white hair stared at us. El and I looked at each other. "GO GO GO!" Dustin shouted and we biked off.

"Oh my God, of my God." I heard Dustin behind me. "Dustin!" I heard Lucas through Dustin's head set. "Where are you?" "Uhh Cornwalis." Dustin replied. "Meet me on Elm and Cherry!" "Copy!" "Elm ans Cherry!" Dustin yelled at Mike. "Okay!" Mike shouted.

I heard tires screeching. 2 vans behind us. "THIS WAY!" Mike shouted at me. I nodded and followed him we went through a park and met up with Lucas. We slowed down and looked at the road ahead. "Where are they?" Lucas asked. "I don't know!" "I think we lost them." Dustin said. 3 vans started coming up behind us. "Shit! Go,go,go!" Mike yelled as we sped off.

A van pulled in in front of us. El looked at it. The next second it was up in the air. It crashed down in front of the vans behind us. We biked towards the junkyard to lay low.

We got off out bikes and Mike helped El sit down. "Holy shit did you see what she did to that van!?" Dustin was amazed. "No Dustin we missed it." Mike said sarcastically. "I mean that was. That was-" "Awsome. It was awesome." Lucas finished for Dustin.

He made his way over to El. "Everything..I said about you being a traitor...I was wrong. I'm sorry."

El looked at him. "Friends...don't lie. I'm sorry too." El stuttered.

We sat in an abandoned school bus catching out breath. "Mike? Are you there. It's Nancy." We heard. Mike rushed over to his bag and grabbed his walkie. "Mike. We need you to answer."
"Is that..your sister." Lucas asked. 

"Mike this is an emergency! Answer." "Okay this is really weird." Dusitn stated. Lucas tried to grab the walkie but Mike pushed him away. "Don't answer!" "Mike she said it was an emergency!" "What if it's a trick!" Mike argued.

"Listen kid. This is the Sheriff. We know that you're in trouble and we know about the girls." A man's voice said.

"Why is your sister with the Cheif?" Lucas asked. "We can protect you but you need to pick up." He said. "Are you there? Do you copy over!" He finished

There was a moment of silence. Mike looked at all of us. He pushed a button on the walkie. "Yeah, I copy. It's Mike. I'm here...we're all here." Mike answered.

We were waiting for the Cheif when 2 black cars pulled into the junkyard. "Shit!" Dustin said. I grabbed El and pulled her behind a seat.

"You think they saw us?" Lucas asked. "Lando." Dustin said. "Both of you shut up. Mike said. A few minutes went by. We heard a man yelling and a few grunts.

The door creaked open and a man with a cowboy hat appeared. "Alright. Let's go." He said. The boys got up and started walking to him so I assumed he was the Cheif

We got into his car and drove off. The ride was silent and awkward. He pulled into the drive way of a familiar house.

We go out the car and 3 people came running outside. "Oh my God Mike!" The  girl I had met in the upside down said as she hugged Mike. "I was so worried." She added. A women in a black coat came down the stairs and walked up to me. "You...I saw you outside the house. It was you." I looked at her. "I'm sorry. I heard the name will and I-" She cut me off with a hug. "Is that my dress?" Nancy said looking at El. And are those my clothes?" She said looking at me. She must've only noticed I was wearing her clothes now.

We went inside and Mike explained everything to them. How the gate works and the upside down.

"Is this gate underground?" The Cheif who I learned was named Jim Hopper asked. "Yes." El and I said. "Near a large water tank?" "Yes." El and I said in unison.

How do you know all that?" Dustin asked. "He's.. seen it." Mike said. "Is here could talk to Will...reach him in this-" "The upside down." El said. "Down, yeah." The lady who I learned was Joyce asked. Hopper stared at me and El and I stared back. "And my friend Barbra..can You find her too?" Nancy asked.

El sat at a table with all of us around her. She had a picture of Will and Barbara with a walkie that made a static noise. I hated that El always had to do the hard stuff. I felt useless. I was the one that was suppose to protect her.

The lights flicked before El opened her eyes. "I'm sorry..." She said. "What?" Joyce asked. "I can't find them." El said.

I took El to the bathroom to calm her down. I sat on the bathtub while she washed her face.

I look down at the bath then back at her. We stared at each other before going back to the others. "The bath." El said entering the room. "What?" Joyce asked.

"El can find then using a bath." I tried to explain.


Dustin hung up the phone. "We need 1,500 pounds of salt. He said. "Where are we going to get that much salt?" Nancy asked. "I think I know where." Hopper said. We got into 2 cars and drove off towards a building.

Hopper pulled up to a building. The sign read, 'Hawkins Middle school.'

We entered and I helped the boys set up the pool. Pull it back. Pull it back." Lucas said. "I am!" Dustin said. "Okay just..You have too push here." I said trying to make the pool stand up. We eventually got it and Mike put hose pipes into the pool.

"Colder!" Lucas  yelled at Nancy. "Warmer! Right there!" Johnathan and Hopper added the salt. Dustin, Mike, Lucas and I knelt down. I handed Dustin a box of eggs. He opened it and looked at us before dropping an egg in. It sunk to the bottom. "More salt!" I said. Dustin tried again. This time the egg floated.

El got into the pool and Joyce handed her the homemade blindfold. She put it on and laid down. A moment later El spoke. "Barbra?" The lights flickered as El's breathe became heavy. "What's going on?" Nancy asked. "Is Barb okay? Is she okay?" Nancy grew worried. "Gone. Gone." El said. "Gone...Gone!" She started yelling. "It's okay..It's okay." Joyce held El's hand. "We're here." I said. El calmed down. "Castle Byers...Will?" El said. "Tell..Tell him mom is coming." Joyce said. There was a moment of silence before we heard the Walkie go on. "Hurry." We heard Will say. "Tell him to stay where he is, okay? We're coming." Joyce said.

El gasped as she threw off the goggles. Joyce pulled her into a hug. "It's okay I've got you." She said rubbing El's back.

I was sitting in the hallway with Nancy when Jonathan walked in and sat beside her. "We have to go back in there." She spoke up. "What?" Jonathan asked. "Your mom and Hopper are walking in there like bait...That things still out there." She said. I looked at her. I Zoned out for a second. "I Wanna finish what we started." I heard her say as  she looked at me. "You have powers right? Like El?" She asked me. I Shook my head. "They're gone." I said. "Well we still need your help killing that thing." She said as she got up.

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