The Gate pt.3

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I hit the ground, Steve rushed to me and helped me up. I looked at him and he put his arm around my waist and began walking. "Guys, we gotta go!" Steve said. We stopped abruptly when we heard growling. "Dart." Dustin stated. "Shh. Stop." He said kneeling down in front of the creature. "Dustin, get back." Max said. "Trust me, please.Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right? You remember me?
Will you let us pass?" The creature snarled. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm
sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" Dustin reached into his bag. "He's insane." Lucas whispered

"I've got our favorite. See? Nougat." Dustin held a cand bar in his hand and unwrapped it. "Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up, buddy. Come on. Come on." Duustin gave dart some of the bar and signaled for us to go.

"Let's go." Steve whispered.

Dustin caught up with us, we heard growling. "They're coming." I said. "Run! Run!" Mike yelled. We started running. Steve was sort of carrying me. "Come on, Mike! Move, Mike!" I yelled. "There, there!" Lucas pointed at the rope. "Come on! Let's go." Max said climbing up.

Steve and I stayed down making sure  each kid got up safely. "Come on, hurry up! Come on!" I said helping each of them . "Lucas, come on. Reach for my hand." Max said. We helped Dustin up before we heard shrieking

"Oh, shit." I said, it was just me and Steve. We saw Demo-dogs running towards us hundreds of them. I heard the kids yelling but Steve wasn't moving. I hugged him tight.

*Steve's POV*

I felt y/n hug me, I put an arm over her. All of a sudden I felt warm. I looked down at her, he hair was floating, I saw Demo-dogs come closer and closer but they all ran past us.

I felt my feet lift of the ground. I looked around and saw that I was being lifted up, y/n still held onto me. We landed on the ground. I fell on my back and y/n fell ontop of me. She lifted her head up, I brushed her hair out of her face. She started laughing, she fell off of me.

Eventually we all started laughing. I took my goggles and bandana off and so did everyone else. I sat up. I stared at y/n her face was bruised and her nose had  blood stains on it, but god she was still beautiful, and her laugh made  me smile.

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