The Dive

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Credits to Sanra9 for the first part of the story. Thank you for the idea <3

When I got to Robin's she looked confused, "I need someone to talk to." I said. She nodded and let me in. Robin's family wasn't well off but they managed and luckily her parents had to work late.

"It's about Steve." I said as she led me to her room. She turned to face me. "What happened?" She asked as we sat we her bed.

"Well I'm like 95% sure he still loves Nancy or maybe I'm just over thinking. But I feel like he's been really distant and we got into an argument and then he said he didn't need me so I told him to back to Nancy and that if he didn't need me then we were over and now I feel like shit because I love Steve I really do but I feel like he's lost interest I mean they say people change but do they really? Like okay people change but do they actually change? And I feel like I'm spiraling and I feel like my life is over." I said I'm one breath, flopping back onto the bed.

"Woah." Robin said, "is it that bad?" I asked sitting up "Maybe I'm not sure are talking to the queen of over thinking." She said as she took my hand. "And we...are having a self care / makeover / sleepover...or whatever you want to call it." She said as she pulled me to the bathroom.

She pulled out a box of hair dye and began to mix it. "What's that?" I asked. "You've never dyed your hair?" She looked at me. "No." I said as I looked at her on the mirror. She smirked and put on gloves. "This is going to be fun." She said applying the dye to my hair, it was cold but it was fun.

After a while of applying the dye and waiting 15 minutes we washed it out.

Robin took me towards the mirror after she dried my hair. "Wow." I said as I looked at myself. "What do you think?" "It's Bitchin'." I said quoting El, as I looked at my f/c hair.

(It can be done however you want eg: full head or just ends)

We spent the rest of the night chatting and talking about our life while listening to music. "All I'm saying is that he doesn't deserve you." Robin said staring at me, I giggled. "Thank you Robin." I said.

We later fell asleep.


The next day Nancy came to pick us up. "Hey Nance, Dustin, Lucas, Max." I listed. "What did you do to your hair?" Steve asked. "It looks good." Nance said. "The colour suits you." Max complimented me. "I know right, doesn't she look hot?" Robin stated. "I think I did a good job." She said with pride.

I laughed, "You did." I said.


We were driving towards Reefer Rick's house in hopes that the cops hadn't found out about Eddie, "Not to be a wimp, but can I sit in the car?" I asked. "Cause this is gonna totally and royally suck." Robin joined me.

"It'll be fine." Nancy reassured us. "I can't stand to see those dull eyes of Eddie's break again." I explained. "I really, really can't." Robin added. "At least he can drink himself into feeling better." Steve said eating snacks with Dustin in the back. "That's what my mom does." Max mentioned.

"Why don't we give it a trial? 'Hey, Eddie. Uh, good news first this time. We got you some Dustin-approved junk food and that six-pack you requested. Oh yeah, and we found Vecna. Bad news is that he's in that other, darker, much scarier dimension, and the gate's closed, so we have no way of getting to him.He's entirely shut off to us, so basically you're screwed'." Robin practiced what to say.

"And, no, I know you were already screwed, but now you're doubly, triply screwed." I added. "Wait. Maybe we don't put it like that. We're one step closer to finding Vecna. That's what we say." Nancy suggested. "See, Robin? Positive spin can make all the difference."

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