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♥️ liked by teamlh , user81 and 171.2k other people

@paddockgirl: SPOTTED: Lewis Hamilton and Daisy Rosberg leaving Et Vu nightclub in London tonight. Onlookers noted that the couple looked very cosy together.

Do we have a new WAG in our midst? Either way, someone should tell Nico to look away

If anyone else has any other tips or pictures please make sure to DM us


tagged: lewishamilton, daisyrosberg, nicorosberg



teamlh: nico will not be happy...he warned Lewis when they were friends that his sister was off limits... but i always knew Daisy had a thing for Lewis 😅😅

💬user7: tbf, who wouldn't have a thing for Lewis. He is BEAUTIFUL


user81: Isn't she supposedly dating Max Verstappen? I thought they spent Christmas together

💬vermaniac: no way are Max and Daisy dating and Daisy spent it with Nico in Monaco

💬user81: oh PHEW! This is good news, i ship Lewis and Daisy


nicorosberg: @daisyrosberg ??

💬daisyrosberg: ?? 🤨


paddockgirl: make sure you are following us for all blasts and tips from the first race next week

💬user91: do you think Daisy will be in the mercedes garage?😎🤯

💬paddockgirl: I have it on good authority that she will be in Bahrain 😏😏


f1wags: anyone else excited to see what Daisy will wear in Bahain? Her and Lewis going to be fashion royalty in F1



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well there goes that secret 😉
the sneaking around was fun...
I've already got the earful from Nico🙄

You should come as my +1 to Bahrain
That would drive him crazy
Or are you going to be at Red Bull 🤔🤔

why would I be at red bull?

I saw you going Dutch at the Gala 🤔

that you'll never know 😉
Yes, Bahrain.
To see the look in my
brothers face will be priceless

So is this all about getting
even with Nico?

I wonder who gave
me the idea 🤔

I think it was the smooth,
handsome 7 time world
champ that you've
been in love with since
you first met 🙄🙄

Yeah yeah sure
*8 time

Nah didn't win it on track
So 🤔 idk if I'm counting it

I am counting it
Bc they made the right decision

I bet your boyfriend wasn't happy

He's not my boyfriend
Hamilton 🙄

No that's me
Well in the eyes of the press
Just don't go falling in love

I thought i was already
in love with you

[you sent Lewis Hamilton🏁 an image]
Good Night Champ, sleep well 💜

oh after that picture...
I'm going to sleep v well 😉😏🤤
Sweet dreams Petal 💜


SO a full chapter v soon...

AND YES I made Lewis an 8 times world champ bc it's my story and he should be 🤣💜💜

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