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♥️ liked by babyrosbergfan , mileycyrus and 761

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♥️ liked by babyrosbergfan , mileycyrus and 761.2k other people

@daisyrosberg: now this is a face I am familiar with...😏😏😈

tagged: lewishamilon



lewishamilton: I didn't see you in my training session...🤔

💬daisyrosberg: Fencer let me in at the right time 🤤

💬fencer: don't drag me into your little thing🤣 also you know Fencer isn't my name right 😅

💬daisyrosberg: oh there is nothing little about this thing😏 and yes I'm aware MILES



💬daisyrosberg: then unfollow me 😘

💬 nicorosberg: that's not what I meant😅

💬daisyrosberg: I know!


babyrosbergfan: DAISY AND LEWIS ARE GOALS!!!

💬teamlh: patiently waiting for Lewis to retaliate...

💬daisyrosberg: if he does, I won't be seeing that face for a while🤓


mercedesamgf1: 👀






"Your post got me into just a tiny bit of trouble," Lewis smirked as he pressed a kiss to Daisy's cheek and sat down next to her. "I hope you're pleased with yourself," He added.

The blonde model shrugged her shoulder, ran her tongue over her glossy lip and raised a brow. "Generally, I'm content with myself," Daisy winked.

Lewis threw his arm around Daisy's shoulder gently pulling the girl into him. She kicked her feet up onto the sofa and tucked them under her body. Daisy heard a deep exhale from the man she loved, but it was followed by a throaty chuckled.

Turning his head towards her, Lewis remarked, "The kids spent the whole weekend mocking me about it,"

Daisy couldn't help but laugh. Who knew such an innocently cheeky post would be taken so far, ok, perhaps that had been one of the blonde intentions. Besides, the so called 'kids' were hardly young.

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