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f1wags added a new post to their story

'It's official - Daisy Rosberg is a WAG. The stunning blonde arrived with Lewis Hamilton today at the Bahrain paddock. It is safe to say there is quite the buzz surrounding the very good looking couple'

tagged: lewishamilton, daisyrosberg


There was never to be any doubt that Lewis and Daisy would turn up to the Bahrain Grand Prix like they had just walked off the runway. The buzz generated from the ill-kept rumour of a potential Hamilton-Rosberg Romance had thrown the media into overdrive.

They stood in the middle of the paddock, and without a second thought, Lewis turned to Daisy, running his eyes up and down the outfit she was wearing. He was mentally underdressing her; Daisy knew that the media knew it, and most of all, Nico couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly Lewis grabbed the back of Daisy's neck and pulled her into a kiss. It was deep almost instantly. Tongues dancing for dominance which the blonde was quite happy to surrender as Lewis's soft moans tingled through her frame. The media frenzy, the clicking of cameras and the way Lewis looked at his little sister, were enough to distract Nico from perhaps the tensest weekend of his life since his first tenure as teammates with the Brit.

"Where did that come from?" Daisy panted between peppered kisses. "Not that I'm complaining," She smirked, pressing her lips against the Eight-time World Champion's cheek and resting her head on his shoulder.

Lewis shrugged and draped his arm over her shoulder. "Felt right, and I've wanted to kiss you again since you stumbled into my room that night in Abu Dhabi...." He whispered as they began walking to the Mercedes garage.

The blonde model's cheeks flushed red as she recalled that evening in Abu Dhabi. It was 2017, and Toto Wolff had invited both Nico and Daisy to be Mercedes's guests for the season's final race. Nico had declined, but Daisy jumped at the chance to see the leading man, Lewis Hamilton, in person.

Over the years that Nico had raced alongside Lewis but more so in the years of 'Brocedes' as named by the media, Daisy's infatuation for the suave Brit had only grown. As Daisy matured into a beautiful woman, she was Lewis's head turned. It wasn't that he had never noticed Daisy, but for so many years, he had a loyalty to her older brother. There was something so effortlessly gorgeous about her; when you were in the company of the younger Rosberg, you felt better. Daisy radiated positivity, and that was an attitude Lewis couldn't get enough of.

"In my defence, I definitely thought that was my room," Daisy smirked as she scanned her VIP pass to enter the Mercedes garage. Lewis lifted his pass to the scanner and opened the door for Daisy to walk through. "Yeah yeah, sure...." He winked, thinking back to the night he found a very inebriated Daisy in his doorway wearing his world championship shirt over a black dress. Nothing happened that night, but it marked the day that the baby Rosberg lost her innocence in the eyes of Lewis Hamilton.

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