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"Lewis, I told you I'd tell you when I was home," Daisy chuckled as she twisted her key into the front door of her Monaco apartment. She pushed the door open. "I'm now home, I love you, Lewis!" She noted.

Daisy could tell that her housekeeper had been in as she had arranged her parcels in the living room according to the date that they arrived and on the table was a newly bloomed bouquet of hydrangeas.

It always felt strange coming back to her apartment in Monaco. She had brought it just over seven years ago when Daisy thought that this would be her permanent home, however the model quickly realised that she felt more comfortable in London and New York.

Nonetheless, Daisy's marina view apartment was cosy. It was half the size of Lewis's, and couldn't even compare to the Penthouse that Nico lived in with his family.

Daisy put Lewis onto loudspeaker as she pulled her suitcase into her bedroom. She chucked her bags down onto the floor, kicked her boots off and pulled out a towel from the laundry cupboard.

"What are you plans for the evening?" Lewis asked as Daisy began taking her makeup off in front of the large vanity mirror. "No hot dates, I hope," She could hear the smirk in the Champ's voice as the words left his mouth.

"Of course not, besides, who would I want to go out with?" Daisy replied examining her skin in the mirror. Her skin was plump and toned, a few spots from the heavy makeup and airplane air, but nothing to complain about.

Lewis told the model that after his foundation meetings he would be driving to pick his niece and nephew up from school. It had been a few months since he spent time with his family and Lewis couldn't wait.

He was however slightly sad that Daisy hadn't been able to join him. His family adored the model, especially his niece who loved to walk around in whatever high heels Daisy had been wearing. Watching Daisy with children made Lewis excited for the future.

Daisy slipped out of the clothes she had been wearing and wrapped the white towel around her body. Another thing she loved about her housekeeper was the lavender fabric softener that she used on the towels.

Just as she was about to hang up on Lewis there was a buzz from the intercom. "I swear if that's Max coming over..." Lewis laughed, but there was a shred of worry in his words. The Dutchman happened to live two floors above Daisy, and in years gone by would often pop into see Daisy.

Not even bothering to look at who was buzzing in, Daisy opened the building door. However, when Daisy got to her front door and peeped through the eyehole there was nobody there.

"Maybe they buzzed the wrong door?" Lewis suggested although he could tell from Daisy's lack of reply that she wasn't convinced. She never got visitors here unless it was Max, Adriana or the occasional wild Ricciardo.

Daisy bit her lip and shrugged. "Maybe...." She replied unconvincingly. "Anyway, I'm going to go have a shower...enjoy the rest of your day, Champ."

There was a quick cheeky comment from Lewis about how much he'd like to be joining her in the shower which was very much mutual, but Daisy soon said goodbye and turned on her shower playlist.

Whilst Daisy took a shower there were three knocks at the door and a letter slipped under the door.



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nico where are you?
call me now

come to mine now
car is out front
i got the same letter



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and the plot thickens

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and the plot thickens....

sorry not a long chapter...but the real drama starts NOW

Hope you enjoy! Some major Rosberg Sibling moments coming up...

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