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"Do you remember the first time you came to spend the Summer with the Rosbergs??" Daisy asked as she drew her finger up and down Lewis's arm that was lazily draped over her shoulder

The Champ chuckled. Of course, he remembered. It was the first time he had had his own room, and not to mention, his room overlooked the Monaco harbour. There was nothing about that trip that Lewis could forget, even if it was over twenty years ago now; that Summer felt like yesterday.

"How could I forget being forced into a sports jacket and chinos to play afternoon tea?" Lewis poked as he flicked through the hotel TV channels. He turned to look at the blonde who was scrolling through her phone. "Your brother was mad at me, but I had fun."

Making Nico mad seemed to have been a reoccurring theme in the duo's dynamic. It was often through no pre-planning nor ulterior motives, instead a seed of jealousy in the older Rosberg. Nico had always been fiercely protective of his sister and his friendship with Lewis. Perhaps that was where everything had gone wrong.

Lewis huffed and threw the TV remote onto the bed. It was 01:30 in New York City, and Daisy, and he was suffering from the worst jet lag. They had flown back from Melbourne shortly after the race. Daisy had fittings for the Savage Fenty fashion show and a notable project she had been working on with Lewis.

Of course, being stuck in a room with a gorgeous and energetic girl like Daisy was hardly torture for the World Champ. However, their first time together was not going to be like this. Lewis wanted it to be memorable, and he desired Daisy to have no doubts that he wanted this. Even if he wasn't sure what 'this' was yet.

"I could really go for tea right now!" Daisy exclaimed and threw herself onto the soft pillows she and Lewis had arranged earlier in the evening. "Oh my god, shall we have a tea party?" She squealed.

Lewis had no time to think about the idea as Daisy pulled him up from the bed and scoured the hotel room for the room service booklet. She cocked her glare to the man whose attention was not on the task at hand but on the iPhone in his hand.

"Champ, come help me look," She insisted and pointed to the living room in the suite, hoping Lewis could locate the elusive book.

Lewis didn't move. He just brought the phone to his ear. Daisy walked towards him and pressed her cheek against his chest. With a swift move, Lewis took his free hand and started running his fingers through her tousled blonde hair.

With every word Lewis spoke, Daisy could feel the vibrations leave his chest. It was oddly therapeutic to hear and feel his words. "Yes, for two people? Is that possible?" He spoke into his phone.

There was a short discussion whilst Daisy wrapped her arms around Lewis. He continued playing with her hair, something the Champ had noticed the model had loved since she was a young girl.

Lewis remembered the first time he found his actions could comfort Daisy Rosberg. She had been learning to ride her first bike at the Rye House Karting Circuit, near where Lewis had grown up. Funnily enough, his father, Anthony, took the young blonde around the circuit. Keke had been with Nico and his team of mechanics, but Daisy had been adamant she wanted to learn how to ride the sparkly, pink, two-wheeled push bike.

Daisy had always adored Mr Hamilton; he always made sure, just like his son had, to make time for the younger girl. She had spent much of her childhood being overlooked at the race tracks, and once Lewis had been signed to a team, it gave his dad more time to simply be with his son.

Whilst Daisy had taken to the lessons well, an overeager five-year-old desperately wanted to go faster. So when Anthony wasn't looking, Daisy powered off down the straight. However, what Daisy hadn't quite to grips with were the brakes. And so, instead of slowing down, the young blonde ran into the barrier and flipped over the handlebars.

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