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After Daisy had gone for dinner with Max, they had found themselves walking through the Dubai Marina, admiring the flashes of lights that were beginning to turn on. One thing Daisy loved about Spring in Dubai was that the air remained warm throughout the evening.

"Thanks for dinner, Max." The blonde German smiled, looking up at Max, who was slowing down to take a picture of the Abra sailing through the water. "I had a really nice time."

The Dutchman grinned as he listened. All Max wanted to do was stand out as the better choice, the one that would truly take care of her - both in public and private.

"Oh, the night is not over yet," He smirked, pointing to the small group of people gathering outside the entrance to a rooftop bar. "Wait for us!" Max called as the group turned around.

Suddenly Daisy's heart dropped to her stomach. There stood Daniel Ricciardo, Max's former partner in crime, alongside Lando Norris and, for some strange reason, Nico, her brother.

Daisy flipped back to look at Max. He couldn't work out her emotions; the blonde glazed over as she realised she would now be spending time with her brother, who would no doubt be asking why she was not with Lewis.

"I think you and your brother need to talk," Max admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Daisy rolled her eyes. "I have nothing to say to him, but I am excited to see Danny." She bubbled, running over to embrace the Australian who she had become close with a few years ago.

Immediately, Daniel pressed his lips to her cheek and wrapped his arms around her waist. He had missed seeing Baby Rosberg around the paddock, but he even mourned her on nights out. Together they could create trouble, the best kind.

As Daisy stood back from Daniel to be introduced to Lando, she found herself awkwardly glaring at her brother, who looked anything but apprehensive. Nico looked chilled, calm like he knew this was going to happen. What had Max planned?

The blonde siblings gawked at each other. Smiles were absent, much like any emotion on their faces. It was not easy being in his company, especially when things weren't so great with her so-called 'boyfriend' Lewis. However, Nico was adamant that he would sort things out with his sister. He had missed his little sister being around, and he knew if anything was going to change between them, he had to make the first move.

"Hello, Dais," Nico warmly spoke as he gently placed a hand on the model's shoulder. She shuddered, it felt odd, and Daisy didn't like it. "I hope you've had a nice evening with Max." He added.

Slowly Daisy nodded. She had been having a lovely evening with Max, the critical emphasis on the 'had'.

"Nico," Daisy replied. It was harsh and abrupt. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Lewis said you went back to Monaco?"

Her brother shrugged his shoulders. Max sensed that perhaps inviting Nico to join their drinks was not the best idea. The Dutchman suddenly felt that he had overstepped the barrier. No matter how much he wanted Daisy for himself, watching her body squirm in the presence of the Mercedes driver was hard to watch.

Did Lewis know Nico was here? Daisy wondered what the British driver would make of her brother crashing her evening with Max. Although, given their exchange of messages, Lewis wasn't best pleased she was with Max in the first place, so she doubted that adding Nico to the mix would change anything.

"I want to be your brother again. I want our relationship to be like it used to be." Nico admitted as the words hitched in the back of his throat. He was emotional, something Daisy rarely attributed to her brother. "I'm sorry; if I could take it back, I would."

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