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"So, Lewis, how are you enjoying having Nico back as a teammate?" Keke asked as the men sat at the table in the garden.

Enjoying Nico's company wasn't the first sentiment that came to Lewis' mind. However, what Lewis did like was the competition he brought. It had been a long time since Lewis had had a teammate who wished to push him; in fact, the last teammate was Nico.

Lewis looked at Nico, and a smirk came over their faces. "It makes me miss being fifteen, that's for sure." He remarked.

Nico nodded in agreement. He had grown up with Lewis, and somewhere along the way, they had fallen out. It happened so slowly that neither man knew when it happened; he knew it did, and now Lewis was dating his sister. Reconciliation was not on the cards.

"Well, I, for one, love seeing you two race together again; you always did push each other to the limits," Keke admired.

Lewis shared an intriguing relationship with Keke; he had been an influential figure in his life since his friendship with Nico had evolved. It was a similar sentiment that Nico shared with Anthony, not quite the same adoration that Daisy had for Mr Hamilton, but sweet nonetheless.

They both found certain qualities in their opposing fathers that they missed.

Quick to change the subject, Lewis turned his head to look around the vast gardens of the Swiss manor and then over to Sina and Daisy, who looked like they were mixing cocktails.

"It's lovely here; I can see why Daisy said it was her favourite place to be," Lewis enthused as he took a sip of the white wine. "Thank you for extending the invitation to me,"

Keke grinned and leant into Lewis, "Secretly, Sina and I always did hope our little Daisy would end up with you; she always adored you,"

Lewis smiled, and the thought that Daisy's parents had been waiting for the duo to get together made him wonder if they truly were meant for each other. It had never crossed the Brit's mind when they were growing up, but now that he looked back, it seemed destiny that he would fall in love with Daisy Rosberg.

Of course, their current dalliance was halfway between truth and fiction. Still, based on their recent, candid conversations, Lewis knew his feelings were intensifying with every moment he spent with the blonde.

"I hope you don't plan on stealing my boyfriend away all weekend, dad," Daisy grinned as she wrapped her arms around Lewis's shoulders. "Hey babe," She smiled, pressing a loud kiss to his cheek.

Keke threw his arms up as he watched Daisy and Lewis exchange quiet words. There was something about them that even Nico found adorable. Perhaps it was how his teammate looked at his sister; it was almost as if everything she said was covered in smooth caramel chocolate.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Daisy asked, perching on the armrest of Lewis' chair. "I hope Nico isn't trying to recruit you to join his egg-hunting team," She winked before cocking her head to her brother.

Nico's mouth dropped as he jumped up and pulled his sister off the chair into what could only be considered an angry hug. "Oh, because your method is so squeaky clean,"

Daisy flew her hands up but couldn't contain the sarcastic chuckles. "It can't be called cheating if you don't get caught,"

Keke rolled his eyes and explained to Lewis that his children had had this same debate since their first Easter Egg hunt. Even with the ten-year age difference, Nico hadn't yet been able to beat Daisy.

Nico was convinced that Keke had always given her the location of the eggs or given her a headstart to ensure that Daisy got to win something. On the other hand, Daisy thought that Nico always threw it so that she would win.

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