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"What is Miss Rosberg doing in the Red Bull Camp?" A wide-eyed Max Verstappen asked as Daisy walked towards the Dutchman.

Nico had only stepped off of the podium  moment ago, yet the blonde-haired girl Rosberg was approaching the competition. She seemed weak, that she didn't truly want to be there but that everything in her was dragging her.

Daisy smirked. "Shut up, I want to talk?" She spoke. It was deadpan, not quite the emotion the Dutchman thought he would be receiving.

Max had reached out to Daisy in good grace, but he was drunk at the time. Max didn't ever think that Daisy would have been so stupid as to fall for Lewis's tricks, and yet she did. Was Max angry? Yes. But only because he knew Daisy would get hurt in the end.

"Whatever is happening between you and Hamilton, I don't care?" Max barked. He threw his helmet to the side, his fireproof off in quick succession. "Most likely you're caught in the cross hairs of the 2016 fall out...and you're too delicate to be worn out," He added.

Daisy nodded. She hated that she had been reduced to 'delicate' but the blonde also knew what Max meant. The war of 2016 had started years before, probably when Lewis took to Mercedes. Sure, Nico had been paired with Schumacher, but he had also out raced him. It didn't mean that Nico hadn't learnt the psychological warfare.

Nico always thought with Lewis he had the upper hand, and that he could psyche him out, but every commentator knew that wasn't true. They suspected that wherever Daisy threw her support was the winning party.

"I was always in the crosshairs, Max?" Daisy retorted. She knew all too well that her families favour for her brother meant her devotion went to whoever he raced. "But Lewis, he's different,"

Max knew that Lewis was different all too well. It had never taken a genius to know that Baby Rosberg's favour had always been with the Stevenage Lad, even when Daisy was dating Hector Bellerin. Lewis was never too far behind. He was oddly protective of the blonde.

"He saved you?" Max remarked as the two sat on the sofa in his drivers room. "I get it, that's why I could never sway you, and believe me, I tried!" He exclaimed offering the blonde a brownie cake. "So did Hector..."

Daisy gladly excepted until the mention of Hector Bellerin. That was a love that so pure, he was the person Daisy needed at the time, and Hector needed her. Nevertheless, even to the Spaniard it was obvious where Daisy's heart was.

"I loved Hector, I did, I thought we'd be married...but I loved Arsenal more...and so I wanted them to win before I wanted Hector to have a good game... you know?" Daisy explained.

Max nodded. He wasn't sure he entirely understood but he got the gist of it. Daisy supported Arsenal; she didn't supported Hector.

"But you only support Lewis, you don't care for the team?" Max replied. He placed a hand on her shoulder. There were no feelings behind it, Max knew he had no chance, but he wanted Daisy to know he was there for here.

Daisy nodded. "He could race for anyone, in my head he's the only one the track...and I guess my brother..." She said as her eyes darted to Max. "And you Max, but like...not like Lewis?"

Max knew exactly what she meant, and he was glad that in this moment he had come to her for comfort. "We'll always be friends, Baby Rosberg..."

A scoff left the lips of Daisy. She loved Max, they had a certain nuance between themselves but as Max has realised, Daisy existed for Lewis. Yet the rumour circulating were horrible, and Max wanted to protect her. He just wanted to know whether they were true or not.

"Always... I mean who am I going to ask for my supply of stoopwaffles?" Daisy laughed resting her head on Max's shoulder.

"Isn't your makeup artist Dutch?" Max chuckled. He almost immediately regretted his words. "I know she's dating Pierre...but like?" Was the only he could follow up with.

Whilst Max was Daisy's prime source of stoopwaffles, even she couldn't refute him with another retort. Adrianne was in a relationship Pierre, but so in Daisy's mind, that made her more French rather than Dutch.

"Ok...but your Belgian by birth? And so that means you should be bringing me with chocolate?" Daisy winked.

This time Max was out of words. "How did you know?" He spluttered?

Daisy laughed. "I do my research," It wasn't so much her research but Adrianne's words. She was Dutch and although she did support Max, she much more favoured Pierre Gasly, and McLaren.

Like Daisy, Adrianne felt blocked by her passport. She felt she should support Max because she was Dutch, and whilst perhaps there was a sympathetic nod, Adrianne was also Daisy's best friend...nevertheless her choice was Pierre Gasly and Lando Norris.

Max shook his head. "I didn't want to see you to talk about stoopwaffles and chocolate," He fumed pinching his nose.

Daisy tilted her head. She knew exactly what he wanted to talk about, she just wanted to elongate and delay the conversation for as long as possible.

The blonde sat down next to Max. She placed a hand on his knee. "You said you don't care if your caught in the crossfires...but you already are...because you know what's going on?" Daisy said. It was as if the words that left her mouth were without care.

Max was caught off guard. All he wanted to do was protect the girl that the paddock loved. Sure, he didn't have a chance with her, but Max wasn't the only person wondering if Lewis did love her, considering the girls he'd paraded around before.

"You pretend you don't know... Max you're so much clued up...you know the Rosberg camp orchestrated 2016... you know papa wasn't ever going to let Lewis win that season." Daisy fumed.

Max couldn't tell if Daisy was sad, angry, or proud. All he could tell was that it didn't matter, Daisy's heart was with Lewis.

"So these rumours, the blackmail?" Max grasped. "Did you do it?"

Daisy nodded. "They are true, but I had no part in the act. I swear..." Daisy fumed. Max knew she wasn't lying. Daisy had a tell.

"But Nico needed out...He lost himself trying to beat Lewis... and I knew that Rosberg Camp was going to make sure Nico would win 2016...whatever the cost..." Daisy revealed with a whimpering lip. Max knew that she wasn't willingly part of this plan.

Max wrapped an arm around Daisy. He took a deep breath and took his lip between his teeth. "You were caught between a surname and your soul... I get it..."



thankyou so much for baring with me!!

I love you all so much.. but I am back on track... somewhat!

but let me know what you think of the new chapter...

I do have a new Max Verstappen story out, its little bit premature but its called Track Limits (I find MV the easiest to right bc I'm not a fan, so I make him whatever I want)


I couldn't leave you without a LH pic

I couldn't leave you without a LH pic

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