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Fresh off of back-to-back wins in both the Bahrain and Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, Lewis was looking forward to some downtime before he flew to Melbourne. Night races had always been his favourite type of race, although if you were to ask him now, perhaps he would say that any race Daisy was by his side would be his favourite.

Lewis adored the blonde girl he had done since the first moment Nico had introduced them. Daisy was sassy and feisty and always chose to stand on Lewis's side of the garage. However, Lewis had watched the younger Rosberg turn into a beautiful and courageous young woman over time.

"Did you hear a word I said?" Nico badgered as the two Mercedes Drivers waited for Toto to enter his office for the debrief.

Lewis shook his head. He couldn't remember the last time he had ever really listened to Nico for two reasons.

1) He didn't care for the German's comments

2) Every time he looked at Nico, he felt guilty.

Lewis knew he didn't have a reason to feel guilty; they weren't friends, but the pact that they had made when they were sixteen, Lewis still held in regard.

"I was saying, my family is throwing an Easter Lunch in Switzerland, and since I guess you are dating my sister, you should come," Nico remarked. He sounded calm, but there was a sly undertone.

The British driver had no idea what his teammate was going on, which was evident from the confused look on his face. Daisy hadn't mentioned this to him, but the blonde hadn't been at the Saudi GP due to fashion week conflicts. However, she had kept him updated with pictures.

Lewis shrugged his shoulders. If Daisy had not invited him, then it was likely that she didn't want him there, but if the duo were going to pull this con off, then his attendance would be paramount. What better way to get into Nico's head than reuniting with his parents?

"Oh yeah, I think Dais mentioned it, but I'm not sure what my parents are doing that weekend." Lewis coyly replied. He made a note to take it up with Daisy when he landed in Dubai later that evening.

Nico smiled. Who was playing who? At this point, it didn't matter, and Toto Wolff came bounding into his office. He wore a smile across his face like it was a crime. It was big, and so it should be. His drivers finished P1 & P2, and neither pushed the other off the track.

In Toto's mind, this season was a success so far. Nico had settled back into driving, and whilst he didn't provide a significant challenge to Lewis on track, the defence of the German had backed up the field. The calmness surely wouldn't last, but Toto was feeling optimistic.

"Another great weekend, boys." Toto cheered as he brought a bottle of whiskey out from behind him. This was a tradition that had started after Lewis won Mercedes's first championship since Fangio. After every P1 &P2 finish, the three would have an extra debrief and chat over neat whiskey.

The Austrian poured out three tumblers and pushed them towards his drivers. "Thanks, Boss!" Lewis grinned as he picked his up and held it up. "To another solid weekend and result, couldn't do it without you both." He toasted.

Nico echoed the Brit's sentiments. "The next win is mine, though." Nico winked in a lighthearted tone, although both Toto and Lewis knew that there was weight to his words.

The press was, of course, scrutinising every single move Nico made. He was the one returning, and he had made some outrageous claims. Nico knew that he would be bringing the fight to Lewis. The German relished the chance to go up against his old foe again. However, Nico just needed to learn if he was bringing a knife to a gunfight or if they would be able to spar on equal footing.

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