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Lewis Hamilton🏁 is FaceTiming you

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Lewis Hamilton🏁 is FaceTiming you

I didn't wake you, did I?
It's just someone missed you

Anything for my favourite Good Boy

wait... I thought I was your
favourite good boy?
my heart is breaking, Petal

Um... considering the
show we put on for the
media after your win in Bahrain,
I'm not sure 'good-boy' and Lewis Hamilton
can be used in the same sentence
congratulations again, that was such a great drive!

That was fun though...
Why did it take me so long
to kiss you in public?
even better that you were in the crowd!

Because you were friends with my brother
and this isn't real...it's just pretend
Remember, Sir Hamilton

you have a brother?
wait, you don't love me and
think i'm the sexiest man alive

shut-up Lew

make me

kinda hard from my bed
unless this is a call to say
you're on your way over

and if it was?
would you let me in?


on what?

Nico Rosberg 💀 is calling
do you want to pick up?

shit my stupid brother is calling me
can I call you back?

wow, you're hanging up on
me for that twat?

I'll call you straight back
unless you want to
come over instead?

is that an invite?

it is, but it's time sensitive
because I have a photoshoot later

that would be a great
photo opporunity
can I come?

depends if you are bringing
me coffee on your way over?

see you in a bit Petal
don't think about me too much

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