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"Lew-Lew!" Daisy exclaimed as she ran towards her brother's best friend, standing at the edge of the dock with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "I missed you!" She added as the 15-year-old British lad opened his arms to the joy of the young blonde.

This was the moment that Daisy had been waiting for. The karting season was on summer break, and her brother had invited his best friend and teammate home to Monaco for the summer. Lewis was everything Daisy wished her brother was; he paid attention to her and ensured that Daisy was in a good mood.

One time, they had all ordered ice cream, but a rowdy seagull had swooped in and snatched the vanilla and strawberry cone from its grip on Daisy. Without even a second thought, Lewis wrapped his arm around her shoulder and demanded that she share his cone. From that moment, Daisy loved Lewis.

"Now, Now, Daisy, Lewis is your brother's friend, and it is only correct that Nico is the one to show Lewis to his room for the summer." Her father, Keke, directed and pointed to her brother. A frown came over Daisy's face as once again she was pushed aside for her successful brother.

Daisy never complained. Sure, it was never fun to see that her parents favoured her brother, but as she grew older, she knew why. By age 10, Nico had dozens of karting titles and was rarely beaten on track. People knew he was the son of a world champion, and whilst Daisy would never vocalise it, part of her wondered if her brother only won because of nepotism. And then came Lewis. A boy who came from nothing and would become everything. He brought the fight to her brother and came out the victor.

An awkward Lewis Hamilton shuffled on the spot as Keke slid Daisy out of the way for her brother to talk him through the amenities of his room. This was far from anything Lewis had ever experienced. For starters, Lewis had never had his own room, let alone a balcony overlooking the Monaco harbour. This was what he wanted. From this moment onwards, Lewis had a new goal. He had always wanted to be a Formula One World Champion after watching his idol Ayrton Senna, but now Lewis wished to own an apartment in Monaco.

"It's fine, Sir. I have younger sisters; Daisy makes me feel at home." Lewis insisted, but Nico wasn't impressed.

Nico loved his sister, but he didn't really know her. For the first few years, he considered Daisy, his personal cheerleader, but once she grew older and wiser, the relationship soured. Sure Nico adored her, but he knew that she liked Lewis more. It was fine when they were on equal footing on the race track. Usually, they would take a win each and alternate, but now they were teammates.

Keke explained that they would be going out for dinner later that evening but that the kids might as well use the pool in the complex. He instructed Nico to assist Lewis in unpacking and quickly ushered Daisy away, much to his daughter's disappointment.

Daisy pulled on her father's cuff, "But, daddy, why can't I be with Nico and Lew-Lew?" She asked as her lower lip quivered. "I can play with them too!"

Her father shook her head, "Oh sweetie, Lewis is your brother's friend, and he needs to get to know his new teammate." He informed the young girl pulling on his heartstrings with her big sad eyes gazing up at him. Keke sighed. "How about you and I go to the mall? Maybe we find you a sparkly dress to wear tonight."

It wasn't much of a compromise, considering that all Daisy wanted to do was watch Lewis destroy her brother at whatever game they should play. However, without her father constantly wishing to distract her with shopping trips, she would never have discovered her love of fashion.

Daisy nodded and asked if they could get ice cream at their favourite place. It was called Morie's and on the edge of Port Hercule. Keke had found it one day with his father back in 1964 when he was visiting Monaco for the first time. It quickly became a firm favourite of his, and Keke was happy to share this memory with his little girl. Daisy liked it because Nico had no idea that it existed.

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