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Daisy couldn't remember the last time she had truly needed her big brother.

Perhaps it was when she was crying over One Direction, who Nico subsequently invited to a race or when Daisy's ex-boyfriend Hector Bellerin got called up for his national team and couldn't make her prom night.

Whenever the last time that it was, Daisy couldn't really remember it. What mattered now, was that Daisy did need Nico right now.

The blonde model pounded on her brother's front door. Her heart was beating out of her chest, a bead of sweat running down her already puffed cheeks. "Nico open up," Daisy screamed not caring for Nico's neighbours.

After what felt like an eternity Nico opened his front door. He stood there looking just as frustrated and worn out as his little sister, but even in this moment, Nico knew that he needed to hold his sister.

"Come here, Hase," Nico soothed opening his arms to his embrace Daisy. He felt her surrender to his comforting. Her head rested in the nape of his neck. "We are going to figure this out...together."

"What the fuck is going on, Nico?" Daisy sobbed. Finally, her strength broke, and tears began to fell. "I need champagne, and, like, raspberries, before I can even begin to process anything,"

Nico laughed. Even in such traumatic times Nico was amused at his sisters list of requirements. Luckily, Nico had taken a note of Lewis's book and preordered her favourite items just in case Daisy had ever needed him.

Daisy chucked her trench coat over the back of Nico's sofa, kicked off her UGG boots and impatiently waited for Nico to bring her champagne, which was brought out very promptly in her favourite style of champagne flute.

"It's Laurent Perrier Rose, your favourite?" Nico said although it came out more as a question. "I assume it hasn't changed." He added before disappearing into the kitchen again.

It was touching that Nico remembered so many little details about her. Even if Daisy wasn't already overcome by emotion, she would have been just as touched when Nico brought a bouquet of flowers for his teary sister.

"Flowers make you happy, and whilst I didn't have time to go the park to pick Daisy's, I also remember that you liked purple and red tulips," Nico grinned hopefully as he passed the flowers to his little sister.

Immediately Daisy's face lit up. "You used to get me tulips after every single one of your wins," She smiled, a tear bubbling in her eyes.

"Because you were just as much a part of my wins as my team principal," Nico told his sister as he sat down on the sofa next to her. He picked up his flute of champagne and took a sip. "I know the last years haven't shown it much, but I am proud to be your brother," He admitted.

Even being in front of Nico made Daisy wish their fights had never happened, she had never truly wanted to go to war with him and their surname. Daisy knew that Nico was just another pawn in their parents game, and whilst the biggest fall out in their relationship was staring them both in the face, demanding $2Million, Daisy just wanted her big brother.

The model smiled as the champagne bubbles hit the back of her throat. She was glad that Nico had brought the bottle out on ice as she feared her brother might not be accustomed to how fast she threw back drinks.

"I know, Nico..." Daisy said turning to Nico who's brow was furrowed trying to piece together a game plan on how they were going to tackle whatever was going on. "I've always been proud to your little sister, deep down anyway," She laughed.

Nico believed his sister. He knew that he had neglected Daisy and his brotherly duties, he also knew that Daisy had picked up that attention from his former best friend. What Nico wanted to do now was protect Daisy like he had failed to do so many times.

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